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"U-Um sir? I've been wondering," Dr. Flug said after both him and his boss left the coach. "Yes, what have you been wondering?" "It's just, w-why did you pick me to come with you to the ball? I-I mean I understand not taking Dementia or 505! But I would've thought you'd go by yourself, or something along those lines." Black Hat's mind went blank. Why did I want to bring Flug with me? Black Hat thought in his head. "It's because, I didn't know if there would be anyone there to talk to, so I believed that if o brought you it might not have been as boring?" Black Hat questioned his own answer. "Oh, um, ok I guess. I'm glad we still had fun though." Black Hat smiled at the thought. "Yes, me too." Dr. Flug yawned and said that he was going to bed. "Alright then, good night Flug." Dr. Flug smiled under his bag and headed to his room.

On the way to his room, Dr. Flug saw Dementia in the kitchen taking out some ice cream. "Hey, wait a minute! That's my Ben and Jerry's chocolate therapy ice cream! Dem! Put it back, that's mine!" Dr. Flug said in a sad voice. "Alright alright alright, I'll put it back. I'll just take the butter pecan." Dr. Flug asked if it was hers. "No, it's Black Hat's." "Then put that back too!" Dementia shrugs her shoulders and puts the ice cream back. "Fiiiine. I'll just take my sherbet instead." Dr. Flug stared at Dementia with annoyance. "If you already had your own ice cream, why didn't you pick that first?" Dementia shrugs her shoulders as she sits down at a table, opening the ice cream. "Fine, I'm going to bed." "Wait, aren't you going to tell me about your date with Black Hat?" Dr. Flug panicked for a moment. "D-D-D-D-Date?! W-WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Dr. Flug stuttered. "Well, yeah. It technically was a date. Two people going out at night to have fun is a date." "It-it was n-not a date." Dementia shoves a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth and says, "Suit your self. If that's what you think." Dr. Flug ends the conversation by running straight to his room and slamming the door shut. Flug sighs and takes off his clothing from the ball. He gets under the covers with only his boxers on. "Was it really a date?" Dr. Flug thinks to himself as he drifts off in to sleep.

_-_Meanwhile in Black Hat's room_-_

"Why can't I stop smiling? It's starting to piss me off." Black Hat is in his walking back and forth in front of a body sized mirror. He fustrated on why he couldn't stop smiling, he can't sleep because of it. "Hmm, for some reason this smile actually looks different from my other ones. Why is that?" Black Hat looks at himself in the mirror and remembers a similar scenario.

Black Hat went over to a body sized mirror and looked closely at his face. He smiled but saw something was off, it was forced. It wasn't a real smile, it was fake. How could I have not known this?! Black Hat yelled at himself inside his head. "Since when did this start happening?"  Black Hat growled through his teeth.

Black Hat looked at himself once more in the mirror and stared at the smile on his face. "It's, it's real," Black Hat finally realized that the smile he held was a real one. It wasn't forced! "But wait, how is it real? Does it have to do Flug? What about him could make me smile like that?" Black Hat's smirky face only got bigger at the thought of his scientist making him smile so much.

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