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Dr. Flug woke up with a small headache, he placed a hand on his head and opened his eyes. "Wha- AAAAH!" Dr. Flug fell out of his chair and bangs his head against a random machine. He looks to see the sleeping Black Hat next to his desk. "What the? What happen-" Dr. Flug remembered everything from earlier that day. Flug's face began to burn so much that you could roast marshmallows on his head. "No, don't think l-like that! There's no w-way th-that's true! I need to figure this out." Dr. Flug stood up and walked over to a different area to think of reasons why Black Hat said those things in the van. It took about 2 Minutes of thinking, but Dr. Flug finally thought of somethings. "That's it, it was a dream! I must of fainted when I started to panic in the van! Or maybe Dementia figured out my "small" liking to Black Hat and decided to tell him. They made  a joke out of it to make fun of me, hehehaha yeah, that's it. That's what it is." Dr. Flug looks in a small facial mirror and said, "Who could love a joke like me anyway?" Flug grabs the mirror and takes off his bag. "B-Besides, I-I'm to b-b-b-beautiful f-for anyo-one. Hehehe." Dr. Flug's hands begin to shake as he stares more and more intently at himself in the mirror. "Right, I'm juST A JOKE!" Flug throws the mirror at the ground, making it shatter in to tiny pieces. Dr. Flug was breathing heavily as he began to cry. Repeating, "I'm only a joke. I'm nothing more."

"In all seriousness, I don't think that..." Dr. Flug looks behind him to see his boss standing right there. Flug didn't know what to do, he was panicking, questions filled his head like: what do I do!? Do I run, do I stay? Should I speak? Does he want me to talk? Do I need to keep quiet? Am I going to get fired?! Flug was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't realize that he stopped breathing. "Flug, calm down. It's okay. I'm not mad. I just want to apologise, for being an idiot." Dr. Flug stopped moving all together, "did he call himself an idiot?" He thought. "Dr. Flug, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you. Including me saying that stuff in the van." "So i-it was a j-joke. I-I was right." Black Hat sighs. "No, far from it. I was completely serious, I really do love-" "STOP LYING!" Black Hat stopped talking. "Stop, lying. I know it was a joke. You don't need to lie to me. Dementia probably figured it out, that I had a liking to you and then she told you! So as my boss, you wanted to make it a joke out of me. And you did just that! Congratulations." "Dammmit Flug! I'm serious here and now I'm telling you the truth! I love you!" Dr. Flug couldn't take Black Hat's "lies". "Since when did you love me!? About the only times you were nice to me was just to get better quality for the inventions I make. Weeks ago when I told you that I didn't sleep for days, all of a sudden you tell me to get rest." Black Hat denies what Dr. Flug implies. "No! That's not why! I did that so you didn't kill your self! If you were any more sleep deprived, and you weren't paying attention to what you were doing, then could of made a mistake and hurt yourself very badly!" Dr. Flug was quiet for a moment but quickly starts up the argument again. "After the ball, you told me that the only reason you brought me there was just so you had someone to talk to! Granted it was still fun but that's the only reason you brought me!" Black Hat responds with an almost cracked voice. "I didn't know the reason why I wanted to bring you! I just came up with the first thing that came to mind! In fact, when I first got the invitation, the very first thing that came to mind was you! To bring you to the ball!" Dr. Flug still didn't believe him. He just stood there, silently crying. Black Hat continues to explain his actions to Flug. "When I first found out that I fell in love you, it was when White Hat was extracting Dr. Slug from your brain. I didn't want to admit it at first but, in his own words he told me all the evidence. I didn't want to tell you because I knew bad things would happen, e.g. the panic attack and this argument. White Hat actually said that I should tell you soon, or else my weakness for you would begin to show. I didn't want you to get hurt, doesn't matter if it was by me or a heroic, there was just no way I want to lose you. Just like today." Dr. Flug looks up to see Black Hat with his head down. "As soon as I heard that Dr. Slug could be coming to VMMC, my heart dropped. I made a deal with White Hat saying that I beat him fair and square and he wouldn't try to to hurt me, but I never thought I'd get an assistant. So, I just grabbed you and ran making sure you don't even get the slightest scratch. You are way to important to me, Flug. I would never give you up for anything." Dr. Flug listened to everything Black Hat had to say, but he couldn't return his feelings. "I can't. I want to love you back but I can't. You can't love what I see!" Black Hat was confused. "What are you talking about? You are fascinating! Amazing! Smart!" He starts to make a list of words that he thought described his love. "But that's not what I see! I don't see why you see that in me when I'm nothing compared to what you think! I'm not amazing. I'm not fascinating. (I know I'm smart cuz I'm a scientist) What I am is a sad excuse for a human being." Black Hat took off his trench coat and placed it around him. "You're not a "sad excuse for a human being". You are a an excellent example of the perfect assistant for me. And the perfect one I love." Black Hat hugs Dr. Flug tightly. Dr. Flug starts laughing and crying at the same time. "Hmmm? What ever is the laughing for?" "For being such a dork. I'm sorry for being a pain to you and causing you so much trouble." Black Hat hums. "Hmm, you weren't that bad, but I still love you, Flug." "... I love you too, Black Hat."

The end!

That is the end of my story! I hope you readers enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun writing it. There will be an epilogue for the story. It will most likely be uploaded at the same time as the uploading for my second paperhat story. It's not a sequel to this one, it's just another fanfic. The title is called, "Wish it could be..." And by the way...



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