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A/n I laughed harder than I should have. Hahaha lol 😂 also minor suicidal thoughts and actions.

Flug decided to go see Dementia and apologize for being so rude and mean to her. He walks to her room and knocks on the door. "Dementia? Hey it's Flug. I want to talk." Dementia cracks the door open just enough to see her colored eye. "Dementia I want to apologise for being so mean to you earlier. I was going through mood swings that were from, an experiment. You can eat now if that makes you feel any better." Dementia opens the door more for Dr. Flug to see her. "It's okay Flug. I'm sorry for being so pushy about your bag. Can I still see?" Dr. Flug stares at her with an unemotional face. "Sorry, never mind." Dr. Flug ends the conversation by waving bye to her and heads to his room to relax.

._-"-_ 3 weeks and 1 day later _-"-_.

"BLAAAAAAACK HAAAAAAT! SIIIIIIIIR!" Dr. Flug screams through the hallways. "What the actual ____ do you want Flug!?" Dr. Flug runs straight into Black Hat and knocks him over. "Sorry sir, I got excited." "Excited about what!?" Dr. Flug stands up, while helping Black Hat as well, and pulls out a flyer. "What's this?" Black Hat reads the piece of paper and is astonished by what he see's. "Holy ____!! VMMC is tomorrow!? Flug, go get the RV ready for tomorrow morning. You can stop working for the day so you can get ready for VMMC." VMMC is huge convention for evil minds, psychopaths, henchmen, mad scientists, and others beings like them. VMMC stands for, Villainous Master Minds Convention. When it comes to this event, Black Hat and Dr. Flug get in way over their heads. They still have fun but most of the time, Black Hat tried to steal something doesn't get caught until the whole con is over, uses it, and then end up being chased down by cops. Although the cops never catch him because when they find out who they're chasing down, they just end the chase there and go home. Black Hat's taken over the world before, he can do it again.

Dr. Flug leaves Black Hat to his office, to get things ready for tomorrow. Black Hat moves to his office and sits down in his chair. After he gets a few papers done, Black Hat's phone begins to ring. "Black Hat organization, Black Hat speaking with inventions you will buy." "Hello dear brother! It's White Hat. I just called to ask about how you're going to tell Dr. Flug you like him." Black Hat hangs up the phone and continues to work. The phone rings again and Black Hat picks it up. "Don't be so rude to your brother." "Then don't be so ignorant to ask me such a question for the past 3 weeks!" White Hat didn't listen and still asked the same question. "I'm going to tell you the same answer I've given you for weeks, I'm not telling him anything. He won't know anything about it. Now stop asking!" White Hat sighs. "Aah, you know I'm only asking because I care about you. If you don't at least give a hint about it to him, you'll begin to show weakness for him. People and others will see it and take advantage of that. You need to tell him." "I CAN'T! ....I-If I do tell him, things between us will only fall to pieces. He'd want to quit, he wouldn't want anything to do with me. So just forget it." White Hat was silent for a moment before questioning, "how do you know?" Black Hat was confused. "How do you know that will happen if you don't tell him?! He'll only get further away from you if you don't tell him." Black Hat doesn't say anything. "Please, I beg you to tell Dr. Flug how you really feel. I don't want you to get hurt. I'll call you another time." White Hat ends the call. Black Hat puts the phone back on the receiver. He growls in frustration. Black Hat gets up from his chair and leaves his office. He no longer wanted to do any papers and decided to go to bed early.

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