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4 days pass after Black Hat's incident. He decides to go to Dr. Flug's laboratory to check on the status of the jelly guns. He opens the door to the lab and see's Dr. Flug talking to himself. Black Hat couldn't help but eavesdrop.

F: I'm starting to think I should remove the nightmare jelly from the series. It's much too dangerous for even a villain.


F: I know he won't agree but you know what happened to that hamster.


F: Well, maybe I could adjust the amount of chemicals for the jelly.


F: Alright fine I'll talk later. Bye.

Dr. Flug stopped talking for a couple of minutes after ending his conversation. Black Hat went in to the lab without warning, which scares the cinnamon roll. "B-Black Hat, sir! I didn't kn-know you were here. Uh, I finished one more jelly gun! But I might have to modify it." Black Hat asks why, even though he already knew. "Why do you need to modify it? It seems fine to me." "Uh well, I tested the jelly on a hamster and the results ended in death, sir. I'm sure the hamsters death was because of the fact that it has a small body and brain. In affect of the jelly, it should have killed it within 2 Minutes, but it died right after I put a drop of the jelly on it's head." Black Hat wasn't phased in the slightest. "Don't change the formula. Leave it as it is." Dr. Flug tries to object but Black Hat didn't care. He looked at Flug and saw his upset "face". For some reason, Black Hat got a bad feeling in his stomach. It tastes like guilt. Eugh! Is all he could think.  "So, how exactly does the nightmare jelly work?" Dr. Flug explains to Black Hat how the jelly works. "W-What happens is, w-when the jelly hits your skin,  you'll try to rub it off but that only helps it. Your skin will absorb the jelly into your blood stream. As doing so, the jelly will make its way to the brain. The jelly will activate your brain to see your worst fear. Rendering you helpless." Black Hat actually already knew how it worked, he just didn't want to seem suspicious. Black Hat complemented Dr. Flug's work and left the room.

On his way down to his office. Black thought to himself. Why did I feel guilty for not letting Dr. Flug modify the chemicals? Thinking about it still makes me feel, weird. I'm a BAD GUY for Satan's life! That's when a certain memory comes to Black Hat's mind, one he wish never existed.


"Mother! Look what I've made!" Little Black Hat went to his mother with a small sculpture in hand. The sculpture was of a bear with a small flower plopped on his head. "Do you like it?" Black Hat's mother examined the small object and said, "My Black, it is quite, something, but it's missing something. Or maybe it needs to be changed." Without thinking, Black Hat's mother smashes the  sculpture of the bear and yells at little Black Hat. "YOU ARE THE VILLAIN OF THIS FAMILY! YOU WILL NOT MAKE SUCH NICE THINGS IF YOU ARE TO COMPLETE THE FAMILY FATE! UNDERSTOOD!?" Little Black Hat ran from his mother crying all the way to his room. When he made it to his bed, he was still crying. The last thing little Black Hat said to himself before crying to sleep was, "I don't want to be the bad guy."

Black hadn't realized he stopped in the middle of the hallway while remembering that, nightmare. He goes to continue walking to his office before feeling a wet substance fall from his monocle. He quickly wipes it off and rushes to his room as fast he can.

"I don't want to be the bad guy"

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