Chapter 10: The appointment. Dun dun dunnnn

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Hally's POV
I take a deep breath and look around the room. I notice that there are some paintings at the back wall near the coffee machine. There's a painting of a mother cradling her child on the left. Another painting on the right displays a stork carrying a child in its beak. I think of the movie "Storks" t'was a good movie that one.

I then look at one in the middle... Oh God! My precious eyes! Why would they put that in a waiting room!! It was a painting of a naked man and woman and a child was there.... Ugh ew. I'm not even gonna say what it was. I look away from the painting and shiver.

"Hey, are you alright," Caden asked in concern. I nod in reply. "I'll give you my jacket if you're cold"

Aww he's such a sweetheart. His face forms into a devilish grin. "Sike!!! You're face was all like 'aww he's such a sweetheart'! You should've seen it!" he mocked.

That bastard. How did he know?

"I know, I know, I'm a bastard. And to answer your question, after all these years, I know what you think, what you feel, what you want to eat..." he chuckled at the last part. "But it's mostly because I love you."

How does he manage to give me butterflies even after so many years? Usually they say that all the romance ends once you get married and you progress from the "cupcake stage" in your relationship. But oh screw it. Ahh Caden, you've done again.

The doctor walks out of the room holding a file and clipboard. "Miss Hally Maloney" she announced. I got up immediately and the boys were about to follow me, but I put my hands in front of me, gesturing for them to stay there. I continued to walk into the room and gave the doctor a smile on the way in. Okay, so we're just gonna get a blood sample from you. We already got your uhh sexual partners' blood samples earlier... Um are they you're boyfriends or something?" she sounded confused when she said the last part.

"Um, no, correction, they're my husbands." I smiled at her.
"Oh." she smiled, trying not to look freaked out. She pierced the needle through my arm and I crumple my face at the stinging sensation.

"Almost done," she reassured. "And, there we go" she pulled the needle out of my arm and placed a cotton ball on where she injected. She took a bandaid and place it on the spot.

Here's the thing about me: I love bandaids . Cause you can just show them to everyone and be like 'that's right bish I got a needle. I'm so brave'

Out of nowhere, Mike slams the door open and yells, "No fair! I want a blood test!!" The doctor just chuckles to herself and says sure. Mike excitedly plops down on the seat next to me, and smiled like a goon as the doctor was preparing the needle. How the hell did he get here?! She walked over to him and pierced the needle through his skin.
"Ooh that feels good! That's right needle! Suck the blood from my friggin arm! Woo slay bish!" The doctor laughs at his response.
"I'm sorry... He's just got a fetish for painful things..." I apologised for Mike.
"Did I mention how good you are at stabbing people's arms? Cause you're hella good! Like damn girl! Stabbing people's arms should be your job!" he exclaimed. She shook her head in amusement as she took the needle out and put a cotton ball on the spot.

"Sweetie, it is my job." She laughed at his dumbfounded face.

"Ohhh yeah! Forgot bout that!" he slurred, getting up from his seat. Good ole Mike. He never fails to amuse me.

I stood up from the chair and said thank you. I walked towards the door and spot the container full of lollipops and princess stickers. The doctor looks up and says, "The results will be mailed to you in two days".

"Ooh can I get a lollipop and a princess sticker for being a brave boy?!" Mike asked with pleading eyes. He grabbed two of each and gave one go me. Yay! He got me one and save me the embarrassment of asking for it.

I walked out of the waiting room, to find the guys playing 'Apple on a stick'

"Apple on a stick makes me sick. Makes my heart beat two forty six" they chanted. Gosh, they're so childish. They spot me laughing at them and they immediately blush.
"Right, uh let's go." Finnick cleared his throat. We walk out the hospital and make our way home.


2 days later...
I open the mail box and look at the big envelope file thingymajig. I look at the details and notice that it was from the hospital. All the guys were going to be home in about five minutes so I decided to go up to my room and open it there.

I scanned through the pages until the name caught my eye. What? This was not what I was expecting... Not at all... It can't be...

I throw the results in the general waste bin outside quickly before their cars pulled into the driveway. I smiled nd waved as the three cars parked in front of the house. Mike hops out of Cory's car and waves at me frantically. I wave back, feeling uncomfortable. Cory, Finnick and Caden all get out of the cars as well and begin to walk towards the front door like me.

I hear the rubbish bin tip over, the sound of the bin landing on the concrete floor sent alarm bells ringing in my ears.

"Hey, look. I found a letter addressed to Hally in the bin," Mike announced. All the guys stopped walking and turn to face Mike. "It's her baby's DNA results!"

My eyes widened in horror. No. Don't read it out... Don't read it out... They can't know like this... They can't.

And to my luck, Mike read it out.

"Hey, would you look at that. It says I'm the father of her baby... Wait.... What!" Mike's eyes widened in horror.

"WHAT!!!!!!" the guys said in unison.

"Holy mother of fu-" I hold myself back from using such profanities. I don't know what I've started, but I know it ain't gonna be pretty...

Author's note: another cliffhangerrr yeahhhh. Hope y'all enjoyed this schnazzy chapter. There are a couple of mistakes so, sorry bout that folks. So yeah...

Mike Bonner

I just felt like it was rightful to have Channing Tatum as Mike so don't hate me

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I just felt like it was rightful to have Channing Tatum as Mike so don't hate me. Btw, he's two years older than Hally.

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