Chapter 14: Wedding Bells Take 3.1?

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Recap of last chapter:

"It's because I love you Hally! I loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you." He confessed theatrically.


"Someone get the popcorn and my stuffed penguin for me to cuddle. This is getting hella entertaining!" My grandma added.

Now, on with the chapter...


Hold on. What? Raymond loves me? But we only met once. How? This really has to stop happening.

"Who invited you here?" Mike boomed, clearly getting pissed off. 

"Who do you think? Does Petunia ring a bell?" he smiled sheepishly.

"Wait. Petunia. The one who took our DNA test? The test to find who the baby's father is? She invited you?" I asked surprised. Why the hell would Petunia invite Raymond?

"No! I was Petunia!" Raymond exclaimed. 

"Wait... I don't really know much about how the whole trans thing works... But, how do you start off being a male, transforming into a female, then going back to being a male?" I questioned.

"You're a bit slow in the head aren't you?!" grandma Penelope rolled her eyes while eating her popcorn. Woah. When she said 'Get me some popcorn' I thought she was kidding. I guess not. 

"No. I am not transgender Hally. You do know that I can just dress up right?" he rolled his eyes. Oh. Right. Forgot about that...

"Marry me Hally!" he exclaimed. Not again. Before you ask... No, I am not going to marry Raymond. This is not like last time.

"Wait. Let me get this straight... You were the nurse?" I said slowly, still trying to process what he had said.

"Really? After I said I love you, you just ask about me being the nurse?" 

"Yeah! And I don't understand how you could've possibly love me after meeting just one time." I replied.

"Well, my love for you began on that day I picked you up using the helicopter..."

2 years ago 
Raymond's POV

I lowered the helicopter on the helicopter pad. My bud Finnick called me saying he and a friend of his needed help illegally moving to another country, and I was the perfect guy to help them out. In the distance I saw a running figure. I squint my eyes to get a clearer image of the person's face. It was Finnick. Good. I wouldn't want the police catching on to me. If they did, oh boy, there'd surely be trouble. Finnick stepped up onto the helicopter and gave me a bro hug.

"Wassup Ray-man? Thanks for the favour. Really appreciate it." he patted me on the back.

"No problem. Where's this dude that you're supposed to come with?" I asked out of curiosity. 

"Oh, they're coming in a minute... Oh wait, there they are," replied. "Can you start hovering over the helicopter pad?"

"But I thought they were coming?" I blurted. 

"Yeah. I just want to make them run for a bit..." he smirked. 

"Oh you're an ass." I rolled my eyes but began making the helicopter hover about 5 feet over the ground.

"Ah, there she is! About time you made it!" he yelled looking beneath him. Wait... She? I thought hi friend was a guy?

"Shut up you douche and help me up!" the voice laughed.

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