In a world, where Vampires are the dominant Species, and Humans belong in Fairy Tales, Gerard Way finds him self questioning everything that his ever lasting life has to offer. Gerard has been.....alive for 247 years. He stopped "aging" at the age of only 21. Forever young they say. Hes just lucky they havent come to kill him off yet. They had to figure out someway, to keep the earth from over populating. So there is this group that kills off vampires, who have had there fair share of living. Vampires stop aging at all ages after 18. Some age untill they are already old and grey, it just all depends on the genetics of those vampires before you. Some say Gerard is lucky, to stay the perfect age forever. But he just calls it a curse.
Now you are probably wondering how they feed right? Since humans dont exist. And the answer is quite simple really. Here you can either feed off the blood of the animals. Which is kind of tricky, because that also has to be controlled to make sure the Vampire race, doesnt completly wipe out the animals all together. Leaving the earth they live on in a really, bad situation. Or you can do what most Vampires use, synthetic blood, one could say. They take the blood of animals, but just a little, not to where it kills them. And they use that blood, to recreate gallons upon gallons of the fake stuff that people shove down their throats.
Speeking of shoving fake liquids down throats, Gerard gets that ever so annoying itch at the base of his. Sighing, he stands up, making the short walk to the kitchen. He quickly opens up the refrigorator, bringing out a bag of the "fake" blood, and pops it into the microwave for the needed 30 seconds. After he hears the beep, he takes out the bag and rips it open, accidently getting some on his shirt. Not like it mattered. It was worn out anyway. Taking the short amount of time to get the blood down his throat, the burning stops, and he tosses the bag into the trashcan.
Gerard was just glad today was Saturday, meaning he could just lounge around without a care in the world. He scratched aimlessly at his before heading to his room and sitting down at the computer located in the corner. He quickly pulled up Google Chrome and went to the website he checked every day, when ever he got the chance really. Oh....did I forget to mention, that Gerard here is obsessed with Humans? For being things...that are not suppose to exist there are a lot of evidence out there that they do actually exist! And Gerard is sucked up by it. No one knows of his secret obession, if they did, he would be hunted for sure. Goodbye eternal life for him. And Gerard does not want that.
He checks the latest forums, they read that a human was supposedly spotted in the woods, just on the out skirt of his own town here in Jersey. Which surprised Gerard greatly. He goes in those woods, not often, but he does. And not once has he seen any trace of anything living there, besides the animals that reside there. Sighing, Gerard closed the tab and got to work on getting dressed. He decided he could actually do something today, maybe he could hang out with his brother.
He hasnt seen Mikey in about a month, and a visit seemed in order. He pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, and a black shirt and made his way across his bedroom to the bathroom. Pulling of his shirt and boxers, he stepped into the shower, turning it on, to where it was hot, but not to hot to burn his skin. Dropping his head he let the water flow over his body, with his newly dyed black hair, dripping into the water and turning it grey. Gerard tried to memorize the swirls it made, to be able to paint it later. Hed probably use water paint, maybe. Hed have to test a few out. Letting his mind wander, he quickly washed his hair. Stepping out of the shower, he dried himself off slowly, and got dressed. Walking out the living room, he gave his head a shake, sending water over the room. Pulling on his converse, he grabbed his leather jacket off the hook and headed for the door. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and locked the door behind him. You could never be too safe in these parts. Anyone will do anything to get a hold of something they could sell for blood.
See it was...pretty pricey. And seeing how we needed it to live, people did...anything. And we really mean anything. Avoiding the elevator, Gerard took the stairs quickly, and walked out the car parking lot. Quickly locating his vehicle, he got in and started the long journey to Mikeys house, all the way on the other side of town. He quietly sang along to the catchy pop music flowing threw his car and made his way down the deserted jersey streets
Love Sucks: A Frerard Story
Vampir******PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION****** This is my first ever upload to wattpad. And I want you all to know, that as much as I love writing I suck at it. Im also just like Finbarr Calamitous from Jimmy Neutron. I start stuff but I can never seem to fin...