Chapter 4

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Earenniel P.O.V

Location: Barren Fields

Upon my banishment I've been trying to find my way to Rivendell, but all I found was a barren plane filled with huge boulders and small scattered trees. As I looked around my surroundings I began to think that Maybe I was going in the wrong direction? Maybe by the time I get there I will be cast out as well. The news of my banishment may have already traveled to all the elven kingdoms. I'm afraid that I won't be welcome any where.

In the midst of everything the sun was blinding my vision and I could barely see 15 figures Scattered amongst the plane, running in all directions as if they were finding a way to escape someone.

Then I Spotted there reason for running. Vicious looking monsters appeared riding on what a demigod could only describe as hell hounds, but I am positive they are not them, so what are they? I may have never seen nor read about these monsters before, but they will no less be taken out by my arrows.

Soon The fifteen figures would be surrounded I had to do something. I got my bow ready by removing it from around my chest. I strung an arrow to my bow and let it fly, Striking it into the neck of the closest creature knocking it off his animal. Turning it to gold dust. So, it is a monster. If it wasn't my arrow would have went straight through it. Now let's see about his animal. I let another arrow fly into the animal and it too turned to golden dust.

I smile as I place string three more arrows in my bow at one time and aim it towards the three monsters coming towards me. Still, I waited, and once I had the perfect shot I fired. My arrows embedded themselves in the monster's chest. They looked up towards me just in time before they turned into dust.

I search the clearing for the 15 figures, but only found two still fighting. One had a sword as a weapon and the other a bow and arrow. I'm assuming the other's are hiding, While the monsters are either defeated or run away. And by the looks of things they don't seem to want to retreat anytime soon. These monsters want the figures dead and they would do anything to do so.

One of the figures shot at the monster with his bow and it hit his target.

"kili!" I heard from a distance. So that's his name.

kili was distracted but looked just in time to see the monster and his animal riding towards him. I took my chances at firing at a long distance. My aim was true and landed right between the monster's eyes a pile of gold dust in its place.

"Kili Run!" But he hesitated, instead of running he looked in my direction. More of the monsters were coming.

"Go, I'll hold them off!" I scream as I get my arrow ready.

"Come with us." He says.

"There's no time, Go." I say as my arrow flies into a monster and once I looked back he was gone.

I was now being surrounded by the monsters, nothing I have not faced with before with being a demigod.

"So who wants the arrow first?" I Say.

"What is she?" One of the riders asked.

"I am a Demigod, Deal with it." I say firing my arrow at the monster that asked the question. The others just watched with wide eyes as the golden dust took his place upon his animal.

"Who's next?" I ask and all ten of them backed away slowly.

Before I could choose a horn was sounded, following it was a heard of horses and their elven riders. Arrows were aimed and fired at the monsters, a few of them perished, dead. The rest got away.

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