Chapter 6: Part II

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Earenniel P.O.V

Location: Goblin Town

The Goblin horde brings us through tunnels that network together. Kind of like what inside a ant hill would look like.We reach a massive Goblin wearing a kings crown, sitting on a throne, holding a mace topped with a skull. He was far larger than any of the Goblins, and was incredibly ugly, with warts all over his chin.

Everyone's weapons were piled together.

The massive Goblin jumps off his throne, trampling several Goblins under his feet, and approaches the company.

"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" The Great Goblin asks.

"Dwarves, Your Malevolence." A Goblin says.

"And a she elf!" Another Goblin says.

"Dwarves? Elves?" The massive Goblin asks.

"We found them on the front porch." One of the Goblins says.

"Well, don't just stand there! Search them! Every crack, every crevice!" The Great Goblin says.

The Goblins search the group thoroughly, throwing away whatever they find. Óin's hearing trumpet was thrown on the floor and crushed under the foot of a Goblin. My satchel was also throne on the floor as well. A goblin removed my bracelet which held my hidden weapons was also thrown in the pile. I continuously stare at my belongings in the pile.

"What are you all doing in these parts? Speak!" The massive goblin asks.

No one says a word, refusing to speak to the Goblin.

"Very well, if they will not talk, we'll make them squawk! Bring out the Mangler! Bring out the Bone Breaker!" The Great Goblin says.

The Great Goblin points at Ori.

"Start with the youngest." The Great Goblin says.

"Wait!" Thorin shouts.

Thorin steps forward to the front lines.

"Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin, son of Thráin, son of Thrór, King under the Mountain." The massive Goblin says.

The Massive Goblin bows exaggeratedly to Thorin.

"Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain. And you're not a king. Which makes you nobody, really." The massive Goblin says.

And the rest of the Goblins laughed at what he said to Thorin.

"I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just a head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak? An old enemy of yours. A Pale Orc astride a White Warg." The Great Goblin says.

Thorin looks up in surprise and disbelief.

"Azog, the Defiler was destroyed. He was slain in battle long ago." Thorin says.

"So you think his defiling days are done, do you?" The Great Goblin asks with a raised eyebrow.

The Great Goblin laughs, then turns to a tiny goblin sitting in a basket and holding a slate.

"Send word to the Pale Orc. Tell him I have found his prize." The king Goblin says.

The tiny goblin writes down the message on his slate cackling with laughter. He then pulls a lever, causing his basket to start sliding down a system of ropes and pulleys it far beyond my eyes can see.

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