Chapter 8

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Earenniel P.O.V


It had been a few days since we had left the Rock structure, which I know now to be called Carrok from Gandalf.

After fleeing the Misty Mountains from Azog, we were still on the run. Each day we made our way cautiously through the woods trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

One morning, before Dawn Bilbo was sent to Spy on the orc pack. to see if he could spot Azog or at least see if the Orc pack was close.

I spotted a small leakage of water in between the rocks we were waiting by.

"We are still being hunted. We should keep moving." I said.

I could still smell the foul stench of The Wargs and their riders. They are not too far behind.

"How do you know?" Kili asked sitting next to me by the river bank.

"I can smell them." I say as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What was Azog saying to you? you don't seem your self after your encounter with him." Kili said.

"Does anyone? What makes you think he said anything to me?" I say defensively.

"I saw him talking to you. I just couldn't hear what he was saying." Kili said.

"He mentioned an evil I haven't heard in a long time. A name I was taught to fear as a child. How Azog knows of him is impossible." I said.

I guide my hand into the water. A small trail of water traveled up my arm, it began to heal all the small cuts inflicted by falling on sharp-edged tree branches. The one that was caused by Azogs mace took longer to heal, but once it was I felt no more pain.

I could walk easier and run faster, now that my wound was healed.

Heavy footsteps caught my attention and I got my bow ready and aimed it in the direction I heard them. Soon, the maker of the heavy footsteps came into view above us.

Bilbo jumped at the sight of seeing my bow.

"How close is the pack?" Dwalin asked urgently as Bilbo came down.

"Too close!" Bilbo breathed out, he seemed exhausted from all the running.

"A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it." He said.

"Have the Wargs picked up our scent?" Dwalin asked.

"Not yet, but they will...but we have another problem." Bilbo said Still trying to catch his breath.

"Did they see you? They saw you?" Gandalf spoke up behind them.

"No, that's not—" Bilbo began to say, but Gandalf turned his attention to the dwarves.

A proud smile spread across Gandalf's face as he turned to the rest of the company and declared.

"What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse! Excellent burglar material." Gandalf said.

The others began to murmur in agreement, ignoring the fact that Bilbo was trying to get our attention to tell us something it was evident in his face.

"What is it Bilbo? What's the Problem?" I ask.

"I am trying to tell you. There's something else out there!" Bilbo said.

The other Dwarves grew concerned and began to look to one another in fear.

The Daughter Of Two Kingdoms~ Hobbit/ Percy Jackson and the OlympiansWhere stories live. Discover now