Chapter 12:

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Earenniel POV

Location: Dungeons

A soft set of footsteps walked towards my cell. I figured it was Tauriel, Legolas left a few hours ago. I guess he couldn't stand listening to Tauriel's and Kili's conversation any longer.

  I heard keys jingling with each step she took. If she continued to do that she will wake the dwarves. She opened my cell door and it creaked every inch until she stopped pulling it open.

     "You are free to roam the halls, I will show you to your room...A dress will be provided for Mirith Nuin Giliath if you wish to attend." Tauriel says.

     "So, Your king changed his mind?" I questioned.

     "Yes, and he does not do that often," Tauriel replied.

     "Legolas must've put some sense into him." I say.

     "Your words, they are unkind. you have been hanging around the dwarves for too long." Tauriel says.

     "You are one to talk, You've been talking to Kili for the past few hours," I say.

     "Kili." A smile plastered on his lips. "So, that's his name. Kili?" She questioned.

     "Yes, and he is single if you are wondering." I say.

     "Single?" She asks.

     "Sorry, right? I have been accustomed to different ways of saying it...He's not courting anyone." I say.

     "Oh." Tauriel mumbles.

     "He's all yours." I say standing up, Tauriel closed the cell door behind me.

     "The king has given you the Royal room next to his chambers." Tauriel said leading the way up the stairs.

     "The Dwarves won't be happy when they notice I am gone." I say.

     "Don't worry they are not your concern anymore." Tauriel says.

     "And back to hating dwarves again...They are my friends and I really do not want them to think that I am betraying them by doing this." I say.

     "Why are you doing this?...Why are you agreeing to the king's terms?" Tauriel questions.

     "I do not want to be banished again, this is the last home my mother had, I have nothing but her sword, a letter she wrote to me, and her crown."

     "Crown?" She questions.

     "Yes, I believe it was made at the time she ruled the woodland realm with Thranduil. Thranduil was wearing a crown similar to it when I saw him last." I say.

     " Is Legolas Your brother? I see a slight resemblance." She asks.

     "We share the same mother." I answer.

     "I see why he released you know, I was told he loved her." Tauriel said.

   We came upon a wooden arched door.

     "This is your room." She says

     "No guards?" I ask.

     "No, there is no need for them to stand by the doors, but they are roaming around close enough to hear any distress." She says.

     "Alright, thank you." I say.

     "A bath is prepared for you and I will bring your weapons and satchel up to your room, they must mean a lot to you." Tauriel says.

The Daughter Of Two Kingdoms~ Hobbit/ Percy Jackson and the OlympiansWhere stories live. Discover now