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The boy so used to waking up to his lover showering him with kisses full of love and passion.
But now there's no one there.

The smell of his cologne still lingers in the air making Grayson miss him even more.
It's hard for Grayson to cope without his brother and true love.

Grayson was watering the plants and thought he saw Ethan's shadow running around but he knew it was just his imagination.
He's really gone.

Things never change in this old town.
It's so far from the stars.
So out of Grayson's reach just like his brother.

And Grayson wants to tell his brother everything like the words he never got to say the first time around.
And he remembers everything from when they were children in this fair ground.

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you

Grayson saw that his love had moved on it kills him knowing his love belongs to someone else and not him.
The way Ethan looks at his new lover.
He sees the real love in his eyes like the look Ethan used to give Grayson.

It's so hard for Grayson.

He wants to admit these things to his brother.
The things he never got to say the first time around.

And he remembers everything.

Every memory, every touch, every kiss, every hug, every cuddle, every bit of love.

Yet none of that means anything to Ethan, the one who lost his love for his brother.

If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you

Receiving the invitation letter to Ethan's wedding broke Grayson.

His brother is sharing his life with someone other than him.

Seeing his brother walk down the aisle, giving the ring to someone other than him.
Looking down and not clapping when the priest gave the vows.

It all meant nothing to Ethan because he's gone.


Based off 'This old town' by niall horan

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