3 : Never Truly Dead

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Suigestu didn't exactly fear death, not like everyone else, anyways. He saw death as something smaller than him, something he could overcome. He never thought about an afterlife, or what would happen if he left everyone behind.

So when Juugo brought it up, he answered exactly what he thought.

"Death can happen to anyone. Whether immortal or not", Juugo realised after the sealing of Kaguya that death doesn't necessarily mean someone loosing consciousness. It could be the loss of anything. The death of a person could be the death of their emotions... making them vulnerable to numbness. It could also mean having all aspects of what makes life taken away from you, like what happened to Kaguya.

"That's funny to hear", Karin told him, flipping the page of her book. Suigestu tapped the tip of his sword, feeling the sharp end pierce his skin. He scowled.

"I want a new sword."

Karin scoffed, "You always want a new sword. Tone it down a notch with the killing, will ya?"

"I hurt the bad guys, if anything I should keep doing what I'm doing."

Sasuke sighed, "I agree with Karin, tone it down."

Suigestu felt defeated, but then he perked up again, for it was an opening to mess with Karin. "Oh? So you've defending her now? I wonder what has gone on between the two of you-"

Not surprisingly, he got punched in the face by Karin.

"Don't be so stupid!", she told Suigestu, who glared at her in return. "Anyways, what kind of sword are you looking for now?"

It was not unusual for Suigetsu to search for other swords. His ambition to get the Seven Ninja Swords of The Mist had never really been accomplished, so he always collected new swords that intrigued him, no matter where they were from or who possessed it earlier. Karin believed that his obsession with gaining new swords stemmed from his failed ambition. Therefore, she had never questionned it.

"There's a sword out there that uses air slices."

"Where is it, exactly?", Juugo asked his teammate. Like Karin, he had become used to Suigetsu's sword craving.

"Someone in a tiny clan has it. But they're very mysterious, it's creepy."

Sasuke blinked, "How?"

Suigestu pulled out his sword and swerved it to the right, it made a swooshing sound. "Hm.. they never show their faces to outsiders, and no one has really visited their homes before. No one even knows what type of kekkei genkai they have."

"That's so creepy." Karin shivered in mock and Suigestu glared at her. "You know where they live?"

He shrugged, "Yes and no... they move around a lot. From the information I got, they're near the borders of the Land of Iron. I'm heading out to go meet them today."

Sasuke did not want to know how Suigetsu even obtained the information. The man could be very sneaky and intelligent when he wanted to.

"And what are you going to do when you meet them?"

"That's a stupid question, Sasuke." Suigetsu smirked, placing his own sword back in his holster. "I'm gonna get my sword, of course."

Karin rolled her eyes at the fact that he was already calling the sword his.

Sasuke sighed at his teammate. Of course, Suigetsu was smart at obtaining information, but when it came to mission strategies, Suigetsu fell short. It seemed all he wanted to do was swish his big sword around and chop people up till he got what he wanted.

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