5: Suigetsu's Sword Hunt pt 2

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"WOOOHOO, we made it-but where is this exactly?"

A barren land; not a sign of life blooming. The wind whistled and howled, carrying nothing but dust with it's pained melody. Karin, with her sensory abilities ranging far and wide, was met with emptiness. There was nothing here.

She frowned, "There's no one here. Are you sure this is the place? We better not be fucking lost."

Suigestu stared at the emptiness in front of him. "I...honestly don't know."

Rolled eyes. "Great, we're lost."

Sasuke squinted. Not precisely. His rinnegan had picked up something, minute, barely existing. Amplifying it with Sharingan, he was finally able to detect the barely there chakra.

Chakra of a hundred men.

"Juugo, left. Suigestu, right. Karin, get behind me."

Without hesitation, they all complied to his instructions. Karin asked, "What did you see?"

"Hidden, no, compressed chakra. There are people here, they're just in hiding."

Sasuke, with his Rinnegan and Sharingan, could only see the whistling wind. But in that wind, he could see the blue vapour.

And he realised. "The chakra is in the air."

"How does that even work?" Suigestu groaned.

Juugo replied, "The same way your water shit works, genius."

"Shut up."

Karin waited patiently for Sasuke's instructions whilst in deep thought. An ability that enables someone to compress their chakra with the wind? In all her years of working with Orichimaru, she'd never come across something like this.

Karin couldn't sense them. But she could observe the fight and report back to Orichimaru. He'd want to see this for himself.

Karin observed Sasuke's eyes, which moved with precision. Anticipating the next move. From the right, aimed at Juugo.

"Juugo, shield."

Juugo followed suit, the force of the wind pushing him back slightly.

"I'm the only one who can see them, I'll take care of this."

Sasuke wasted no time. He drew his sword and aimed for the specks of blue he saw coming at him. But with every slice, it was like the chakra seperated to dodge it. Sasuke put his sword back, it was ineffective.

'A large range justu would probably work better. Not fire. They use wind to fight.'


Sasuke raised his hand to thr air. It had been a long time since he used the jutsu, so he had to concentrate a little more than usual. He felt the shock flowing through his body, and knew, lightning is coming.


It took a wide range lightning strike to weaken them. They had been hurt, and now they were visible.

Karin noticed the uncanny resemblance in their dressing, but not in their looks. They all wore grey cloaks that blended well with the environment they were in, with bandages around their arms and legs and staffs at their back.

"Those are staffs, not swords, Suigestu." Karin grumbled annoyed, "Are you really sure about the information you got?"

"Shut up."

Karin groaned.

Sasuke asked, "Who are you?" once they had worn off from the lightning strike. One of them in the front - the leader, Karin presumed - smirked, trying to conceal himself in the wind once more. However, he couldn't. Confusion and frustration hit him momentarily until he saw the thin glowing chain wrapped around his leg.

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