15 : Sasuke's Arrival

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Rumour had been going around lately that Uchiha Sasuke was coming back, making  Kakashi wonder who had spread the information so far it reached civilian ears. His money was on Naruto, who had probably been contacted by Sasuke about the raven's arrival long before Kakashi was.

The Hokage sighed.  That blonde idiot had trouble keeping his mouth shut when excited, but still, he should have known alerting the whole village was a bad idea considering the controversy of Sasuke's release still hanging in people's discussions. A kind few supported the decision...

But most of Konoha wanted him dead. 

He spun around in his chair, facing the large window that allowed him to view the mass below. It was Saturday, meaning every civilian was out of their homes and in the streets, either having fun, working hard in the market, or running some house errands that could not be done during the weekend. The streets were packed, to say the least, and Kakashi knew his former student would not appreciate that.

"Perhaps I should tell him to wait till night falls..." He nodded at his decision. He would send a message informing Sasuke of the activity and advise him to delay his arrival.

His lips quirked. If Sasuke were more socially adept, then he would have known this, but Sasuke was a bigger hermit than Kakashi himself. The social workings of a village was something the Uchiha would never familiarize himself with. Ever.

Not a second later of the messenger bird fleeing the office did Naruto barge into the once quiet place acting all bubbly and excited, and trailing behind was Sakura whose smile looked faker than Sai's at Ino's aunt's bridal shower. Kakashi's brows furrowed at the latter.

"Did ya hear, Kakashi sensei?!" Naruto slammed his hands on the table. Papers jolted upwards like they were actually alive and scared for their safety. "Sasuke's coming home, 'ttebayo!"

Kakashi sweatdropped. "Yes, I heard. Pretty sure the entire village's heard. Did you go around screaming it at the top of your lungs or something?"

Naruto's cheery expression did not change, but Kakashi could see his former student was confused. "Eh? Why would I do that? I mean, I did tell Hinata and Iruka and Shikamaru and Saiㅡbut no one else was around, I'm sure. Telling everyone else ㅡ I mean, I wouldn't fuck with Sasuke that hard."

Sakura snorted at the sexual reference only her and Kakashi understood.

The Hokage tried to hide his perverted smile. "I believe you. Don't tell anyone else okay? We can't be having an angry mob ambushing Sasuke on his first day here." Kakashi paused, "Maybe on the second day."

Naruto grinned.

Sakura raised her hand, "Uh, alsoㅡI told Tsunade sama and Lee about Sasuke. Lee promised to keep shut, and I don't think Tsunade's stupid enough to tell the whole village."

"You'd be surprised what drunk hags can do."

"Are you asking  me to break your nose, Naruto?" She should've smacked him, but she didn't, and her lack of action was a bit alarming to the Hokage ㅡwho let his scrutinizing gaze linger on the medic.

Lately, Sakura had been acting strange. Most of her time was spent either in the hospital or in the training grounds sparring with Lee like she was trying to bury herself in work and ...forget. He wondered if it had anything to do with the Uchiha she was in love with.

Remembering her last trip to visit Sasuke, Kakashi realised it most likely did. She never spoke of what happened, but everyone could tell that something went down and it had broken her heart.

Kakashi felt a bit of anger at the thought.

Sakura scratched her arm, in nervousness, Kakashi was sure. "Did he tell you guys any details of his travel?"

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