8 : Nothing Special.

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Suigetsu saw his team as a mess. A bunch of broken souls who decided they worked good together and stuck with each other till the end. They had a leader still burdened with the mistakes of his past and the blood on his hands. A calm man who went wild in battle, still fighting his curse mark and trying to learm what it means to live for himself. A lost Uzumaki, discarded and abused by villages and holding on to the one bit of Uchiha light that kept her from sinking into despair. Then there was him, the product of a village that treated shinobi like tools to use.

Although Suigetsu was free spirited and his attitude towards shinobi ways was nonchalant, he loved to fight and blood never disturbed him. It made him sadistic.

Everyone around him was blood thirsty too at one point or another, even Karin. Being surrounded by people like them made him feel normal in a sense. He knew if he were in a village, people would run from him and view him as an anomaly. But in the Hideout, there were no Shinobi rules or judgement. Everyone was like him; they were products of their rotten villages.

"I'm going out. There's something I want to check out." Sasuke said before leaving. Suigetsu wanted to ask what was making him leave the hideout so much, but he knew if Sasuke wanted to tell Team Taka then he would. However, he wondered, what exactly Sasuke did on the trips he took daily.

He wondered if it was something that could soothe the bloodlust that had permanently taken residence in his misty soul.

: :


Sachiki jumped at the sound of a male voice, immediately pulling out her kunai and moving to attack stance, ready for any action.

Suigestu stared at her weirdly, "Didn't mean to...sneak up on you. Sorry," then a harsh whisper, "yikes."

Seeing Suigestu's casual pose caused her to loosen up, but her kunai still remained in hand. Call it paranoia, but Sachiki didn't trust anybody. Not even herself.

Suigetsu smirked once noticing; she was messed up, just like them. That meant that she was in his good books for the time being.

"Who are you?" Sachiki started, a bit put off by the sick smile on his face.

"I'm the guy who attacked you and your clan. Gee, forgotten me so quickly? Harsh."

She rolled her eyes, "No, I meant your name?"

"Could have said 'what's your name' instead of 'who are you'." He mumbled. "I'm Suigetsu, and you're Karin's new assistant, apparently. Nice to meet you."

He pointed his hand in her direction. Sachiki eyed him suspiciously, then sighed and gripped him firmly.


Taking the time to observe her features, Suigestu saw nothing out of the ordinary other than the piercing colour of her eyes and the scar on her face. She had a body that looked like it could be crushed under the weight of a 1000 feathers and the non existent curves of a child. But her attitude and demeanor was a complete contrast to her appearance.

She was young, but he couldn't find the naivety and stupidity that most girls had at their teen years. Instead he saw a detached and calculated Shinobi, always ready for the worst.

It intrigued him. "What are you doing?"

She squinted at him, "Why do you care?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm bored."

Sachiki almost smiled, "Well, I asked Karin sama if I could help her in any way and she gave me a 'simple task' , as she calls it."

Suigestu wondered why she called Karin 'master', but chose not to openly question her. He'd tease Karin later. "Which is?"

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