16 : What the Fㅡ

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Sasuke had mentally prepared himself for a plethora of things.

Naruto's loud voice that could shake mountains was one of them, so he brought earplugs that would protect him from Naruto's yapping .Sakura's lack of reaction to him was expected as well; after all, he had rejected her multiple times. Ino continued to squeal, but made no advances towards Sasuke, making him realise she had grown up more than he knew.

Chouji kept eating, and Sasuke respected the man's dedication.

Shikamaru's boredom and Shino's scrutinyㅡhe expected, but it was not something he had to worry himself with.  Kiba and Akamaru looked like they were going to jump at him, and Sasuke braced himself just in case those wild things acted on their carnal desires. And Hinataㅡwell, her reaction was not of his interest.

He prepared himself for everything that was expected, not the unexpected.

And the unexpected, was Kakashi pulling him into a hug.

For a second, Sasuke did not know what to think.

Then Shikamaru whispered the words that described his very emotion.

"Kakashi, what the actual fuck?"

Sasuke was worried. Why was Kakashi squeezing him like a 13 year old fangirl? Sasuke could not smell any alcohol on him, and Hokage were not allowed to take any sort of hard drugs.

Was the work load affecting his mental health? Had Kakashi finally lost it?

Then Kakashi decided to freak him out the more. "I've missed you, Sasuke kun."

Sasuke paled. 'He has finally lost it.'

The entire situation was so absurd that Sasuke just stood there, allowing the Hokage to squeeze him like a toy till he was satisfied and pulled back, but not before giving him one last rub on the back. A rub.

He kept his arms on Sasuke's shoulder, making the latter want to attack him. But then he saw the teasing yet evil glint in his one visible eye, and his reflexive need to beat the crap out of Kakashi disappeared into an annoyance he was very much used to.

He rolled his eyes, "Get off."

Behind him, squeals erupted, and a distant part of him wondered what girl best friends talked about that made them make such strange noises.

(Hearing Karin sound so happy made him feel satisfied. Strange, he would ask Kakashi about it later.)

"But I missed you so much!" Kakashi cooed, pissing off Sasuke the more. Next to Kakashi, Naruto was trying to hide his amused smirk and Sasuke wanted to beat up his best friend as well. "Have you been eating your vegetables? You seem pale. Do youㅡ"

"Kakashi." Sasuke warned. Kakashi laughed heartily; something Sasuke had actually never heard before.

At another corner of his mind, he noted that Kakashi had lightened up a little. Not in ways that many people would notice, but Sasuke knew the man. He didn't poke fun the same way he did now; his smile was not carrying as much weight; he laughed whole heartedly; he looked like he got regular hours of sleepㅡ

He was finding his peace.

Kakashi let go of Sasuke and the latter thanked his ancestors.

But of course, once one beast was slainㅡ like the fucking Fourth Great Warㅡ another beast had to pop up out of absolutely nowhere and fuck everything up.

In this case, the beast was his best friend that he had tried to kill on many occasions.

Grinning, Naruto pulled Sasuke into a side hug, squeezing his shoulder the way Kakashi had prior and making Sasuke want to commit murder again.

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