10 : Finally Alone, Together

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Sakura placed her elbows on the railing of the Konoha Bridge, staring at the clear blue sky. She'd been having some free time, and most of it was spent alone.

Konoha had been brighter since the end of the fourth and final Great Ninja War. Warmth oozed out of the smiles on unfamiliar faces like everyone shared a common clan. And even those who had lost someone in battle carried the weight of grief with pride and wistful sorrow, rather than hate.

It was why Sakura loved her village so much. No matter what happened, they always pushed forward and prevailed, as happy as can be. She would give a limb for the sake of preserving that happiness, and back then, she was sure all her comrades felt the same.

She couldn't fathom why someone would want to leave. To abandon such a warm place, such nice people, such caring friends–like it meant nothing.

What did Team 7 mean to Sasuke, anyways?

What did she mean to Sasuke?

It had been scratching the corner of her mind lately. There was a time she had no doubt in her mind that past the darkness in Sasuke's heart, Team 7 was there, at the core of it all.

In retrospect, that belief was in fact egocentric. Who was she to think she mattered more to the infamous Sasuke Uchiha? Who was she to assume that after everything he'd done, Team 7 would go back to the way it was before.

Who was she to believe he loved her?

"Maybe all he saw was an annoying teammate after all." Sakura chuckled.

I just have to come to the realization that I mean nothing to him, and move on.

Still, the nagging hope at the back of her mind wished to know if there was ever a time, even a fleeting moment, where Sasuke loved her.

And if he ever did, why wasn't that enough reason for him to stay?

: :

A group of three casually strolled through the forest like they had all the time in the world. And they did, after all, no village was pestering them to finish on time; nobody's life was on the line; and no shinobi was actively targeting them.

Sachiki smiled. The privilege of being free to do what she wanted and make her own decisions was something she wished for since she could talk. She was no longer the shinobi her family forced her to be. At last, she could become a scientist.

And she was about to make her first invention, as a scientist.

"This is going to be a traumatizing experience. I can feel it in my bones." Suigetsu wanted to crawl into a corner and die, but seeing Sachiki's excited expression, he decided he'd live for a couple more.

Juugo did not pay attention to his whining. "Calm down. Use a shadow clone."

Suigetsu could punch ever-so-calm Juugo in the face. "Shut up. You're not the one about to lose their innocence forever. Argh! Why do I even listen to Sasuke?! That good for nothing Uchiha bastard's probably having a field day at the expense of my suffering. And Karin, she... she...wait a minute-"

Both Juugo and Sachiki came to a stop once they saw the colour drain from Suigetsu's face. The shark toothed boy stilled, eyes twitching momentarily as realisation of what he had left behind dawned.

Juugo sighed. "I guess he's finally figured it out."

"Figured what out?" Sachiki looked at Juugo, confused.

Suigetsu's scream of horror shook all the trees around him with great force, scaring Juugo's bird friend's away and making the young scientist that was oblivious to Suigetsu's purpose in Team Taka flinch.

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