9 : Another Mission? NO

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Author's note :

This is a filler chapter bc romance is going to happen in the next ones so just deal.

Also this chapter contains lots of comedic talk about semen and penises. It also contains vague characterization bc it's a filler lol.

: :

"What mission are you talking about?" Sasuke asked, exasperated. He had just come back from a draining journey, and the last thing he needed was another useless journey pioneered by the one and only Suigetsu.

Besides, he was irritated with the timing once again. It seemed like every time he took one step forward, Suigetsu was always there to block his path.

"You made Sachiki make some sort of paralysing shit right?" Suigetsu started his "proposal" with a question directed to Karin.

Karin's eyes drooped, "You make it sound like I forced her against her will or something, but yes. She asked me for a job."

"She's practically almost done with it, but she says there's one ingredient left-"

"And, let me guess-the ingredient is far away and so we need to go on a mission to retrieve it."

"Yep, pretty much." Suigetsu shrugged. Sachiki stared at him weirdly, wondering how bored he had to be to agree to this.

Karin wanted to groan aloud. At long last, she was getting alone time with Sasuke, learning more about him and slowly closing the distance that was between them, and it was at this crucial time that something had to come up.

She didn't want to go on a mission.

"Come on! Don't give me that face. Team Taka hasn't done much in a while."

"It wasn't more than a week ago when you spontaneously decided you wanted a new sword, which, by the way, you don't even carry around much anymore." Sasuke blankly pointed out, raining on Suigetsu's parade even more.

"This isn't for me. It's for Karin and Sachiki." He whined back.

Sasuke asked, "Karin, do you want to go on a mission?"


Sasuke gave Suigetsu a pointed look, which made the water style user flay his hands about in frustration.

All the while, Sachiki kept quiet, observing everyone and how they interacted. It was different from how the people of The Wind spoke. Everyone had guards up and walked on eggshells when speaking to each other, trying not to overstep boundaries.

Team Taka didn't have any boundaries, and she wasn't sure what to think of it.

Sachiki bit her lip, contemplating on whether she should speak or not.

"Sachiki, back me up here. I'm dying."

That was her cue. "I want to finish my first task, Karin sama." It wasn't a lie. She was genuinely looking forward to finishing it and starting a new project.

Karin sighed. How could she refuse a young scientist? As a matter of fact, if she weren't so irritated about the poor timing, she would love to go on a mission to retrieve an ingredient.

"Where are we getting this final piece?"

Sachiki's eyes lit up. "The Hidden Mist."

She recoiled when Karin's expression darkened a little.

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