17 : Infatuation? What?

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Karin got back to an empty room.

"Sasuke?" Her eyes darted around the room as she called out into the darkness, shaking out her wet feet, wondering where he might've gone.

'Is he not sleeping here?' Karin thought with a deflated sigh. Maybe it was wrong to expect them to sleep in the same room...and on the same bed, just because they had gotten closer.

She was about to resign and go to sleep until her subconscious gave her a whack across the head.

'Are you nuts??? Go look for Sasuke right NOW you dumbass. He either sleeps here or we perish.'

So Karin dashed out of the room, not caring about the fact that she was only wearing a towel. 'It's not like he'll care anyways'.

With every step Karin took there was some sort of object there to stub her right in the toe and make her wince every second. She let out a breath of frustration as she crashed into something again–a table, maybe?Moving in the darkness without Sasuke's guidance was hard, and Karin cursed at inanimate objects for not having chakra to sense.

Sasuke's chakra, on the other hand, was so glaringly there for Karin, even when Sasuke tried to hide it. His chakra pulled her to him like a lull, and she followed the feeling until she saw the light coming from the shoji door.

He was outside, sitting on the front steps with his eyes closed. Karin didn't bother making her presence known, and instead slumped down next to him, not caring about the dirt on her ass or the cold biting her bare legs.

"I'm done with my bath, you can go clean up now."

Sasuke opened his eyes and took a quick glance at her, then looked away as if he had been scorched.

It didn't slip past Karin. "Problem?"

He looked like he was trying to burn the moon with his eyes. "Hn, I came out to get some fresh air."

"Okay. Don't mind me then." Her head fell back as she leaned her weight on her palms, looking up at the moonlit sky as well.

Sasuke swallowed down a lump as he watched her from the corner of his eye. She didn't notice that.

"Your friends are weird."

Sasuke was too busy staring to catch what she said, and Karin had to ask, "Are you ignoring me?"

"Hn–no." He shook his head to rid of the thoughts.

"Good, because if you are I'd smack you." She closed her eyes and rested her head on one side of her shoulder, exposing her slender neck. "I said your friends are weird."


"Your replies are boring."


With that Karin gave up on trying to start a conversation. 'Sasuke. Damn unresponsive, unreactive Sasuke.'

She slowly tucked in escaped strands of hair behind her ear.

Sasuke panicked internally.

He knew. He knew exactly what was happening to his body–he wasn't an idiot, dammit, he was a little slow, but it wasn't like he didn't know anything about it. This was the same feeling he got long ago when he was twelve and Sakura was bent over to pick up her discarded weapons, but even then he had enough self control to look away and push it out of memory.

Now was a completely different story.

Droplets of water fell down her bright red hair, slipping into the curves of her clavicle and down into the valley of her breasts. Her lips were moist, drawing him to her in the most awfully sinful sort of ways. She was glistening, in every way possible, and it was taking a toll on Sasuke's sanity.

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