13 : An Apology and A Bet

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Fish were placed on a stick, and rolled under the fire by Juugo. Since Suigetsu had the "courtesy to catch dinner" as he smugly said, Juugo was going to have to cook the night's meal. Not that he did not enjoy it, (watching the roasted fish turn under the flames was actually somehow  relaxing), he just did not like being told what to do by Suigetsu.

"If Sasuke asked you to kiss his ass, you'd do it without any fucking hesitation"

Juugo closed his eyes, as if that would rid the concerns that had surfaced. Never, had he questioned his loyalty to Sasuke. Sasuke was the reason he was alive, he was the reason he was sane, he was the only reason he had not gone on a rampage and destroyed a village with his bare hands.

His life completely belonged to Sasuke.

But why was it that when Suigetsu said what he already knew, Juugo felt...embarrassment?

That he, a grown man, was incapable of controlling himself. That he had relied on someone else to be his peace for so many years. That he had never once thought about what was best for him, not what would make Sasuke satsified or helping Karin find happiness.

He had told Karin to be selfish for a change. Did that apply to him? Was being selfish even in his nature?

Was he selfless, or was he just a coward?

Time had passed, night had befallen and the elephant in the room was still not addressed. Suigetsu only spoke to Juugo when neccessary, therefore most of his talking was aimed at poor Sachiki, who just wanted him to shut up. Juugo had not said more than ten words since the fight, which was just a little less than the number he usually spoke.

Although Heila kept saying so, Sachiki did not feel like she was stuck in the middle of the fight. After all, they were not fighting over her, nor was she a friend to both of them. Suigetsu, maybe, but she hardly knew Juugo. She felt like a bystander, witnessing a private scene between two friends and doing nothing but watching the story unfold.

The dark girl glanced at both men, who were obviously trying to avoid talking to each other. Suigetsu was still raving on about how annoying the past few days have been, while the tanned man at the other side of the fire was simply staring at the fire with no expression on his face.

"They're acting like children." Heila groaned, ruffling her brown hair in frustration. "Sachiki, do something. I can't take anymore of this awkward silence."

"What do you want me to do?" Sachiki hissed, earning a suspicious glance from Suigetsu as he munched on the roasted fish Juugo had  rudely thrusted at him to shut him up.

"I don't knowㅡhave an open session or something. Let them hash it out, whatever. Just make it end because this feud is so lame."

The young scientist huffed, not actually in the mood to have a talk session. She just wanted to eat that delicious looking fish and get a well-deserved rest. Besides, she did not know much about relationships between boys. Back in her old village, she was surrounded by girls, since most of the men in her family were either samurai or shinobi that went to war, and almost never, made it back home alive.

A vein bulged out of Heila's forehead. "You really want to eat at a time like this? You technically are the reason their relationship is destroyed."

"I am notㅡ" Sachiki stopped; her imaginary ghost of her late lover was right. They had begun fighting during the mission, a mission that she had asked for and that they were not looking forward to. That mission had made them irritated, and prone to angry outbursts like the one Suigetsu had.

"Okay, fine." She relented. "Guys!"

The two men turned their attention to her. Suigetsu placed his hand on his chin, "Something the matter?"

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