11 : Monsters, Wounds and Darkness

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Tearing things apart was Suigetsu's hobby. And Juugo could tell from the way he stormed through the forest, that he wasn't happy with his ignorance of Sasuke's true wishes. Juugo knew Suigetsu had a problem with seeing things going fine. He liked anger, trouble, discomfort, brokenness ㅡ anything that was like him. And he was willing to break to make things be like him.

"Stupid mission, have to go touch some shrivelled dick when I can be slithering my fucking way between Sasuke and Karin...fucking stupid Karin. Why didn't I see it? Sasuke should've sent Karin on this mission since it was her order and she's a fucking sensory ninja that can find people...but no, she just happened to not follow us? God! All the signs were there..."

Suigetsu continued his rambling. Sachiki cocked her head to the side, "What is he saying?"

"You see, Karin and Sasuke might become possible loversㅡ"

"Huh? Might?"

"ㅡand Suigetsu doesn't want that because he likes tearing things apart like a 10 year old boy, so now Sasuke and Karin are alone in the hideout, it is making the boy go crazier than usual."

Sachiki pursed her lips, "I don't get it."

"Nobody does. He's a sadist with no self control, only he gets what goes on in his head."

Sachiki could hear a bit of anger in his voice.

The bird that Juugo had asked to track the rogue shinobi came back, setting itself on the tan man's broad shoulder and relaying information.

"The shinobi is at 3 o'clock, in a large hut filled with other shinobi. Suigetsu, get ready to activate your water clone."

Suigetsu mocked Juugo, "Mehmemehmehmemehmeh, whatever."

Heila scoffed, "I see what Juugo means about the 10 year old boy thing."

Juugo's eye twitched. He was really getting tired of Suigetsu's antics.

Suigetsu smirked, "I'll just kill all the other shinobi in there. No biggie."

Juugo glared at Suigetsu, "We do not have Karin to revive anyone from Near death. Do not do anything brash."

Sachiki recoiled as Suigetsu slammed his sword straight into the ground. The water user returned Juugo's glare, equally as pissed off. "Why not? Because Sasuke wouldn't like it?" He mocked Juugo's loyalty to Sasuke. "Everything about you is linked to that guy. If Sasuke asked you to kiss his ass, you'd do it without any fucking hesitation, just like you ganged up on me to go on this stupid mission without hesitation."

Heila gave Sachiki a look. "These boys look like they're about to fight, and it's mostly going to be because of you. Congrats."

"Because Sasuke is my leader. Is he not yours?" Juugo crossed his arms, glaring his comrade down.

"No! I do whatever the fuck I want."

"And how's that working for you?" Juugo growled. Sachiki stepped back in fear and surprise at the angry face which usually-calm Juugo possessed. "You have no goals, no motives, no ambitions. All you want to do is destroy things like the uncontrollable baby you are."

Suigetsu's eyes widened. "Is that what you..." he trailed off, shaking his head then laughing. "You know what? Fine, think what you like. But why are you acting like I'm the only one in this fucking Team that craves war?"


"Oh come on! Like, five seconds ago Sasuke was going on about vengeance and destruction. Karin lowkey wants to burn all villages to the ground and we know that, and you! You hide behind this facade of calmness and birds and straight expressions, but we all know, deep down, that you crave the madness like all of us. So get off your fucking high horse, get out of Sasuke's damn ass and admit that you're a fucking monster! A monster that nobody fucking wants! A monster that everyone hates! A real, ugly, disgusting monster! Just. Like. Me."

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