Preparing the Human Homes

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Once you have read the files of the humans you are considering and have selected and named your humans, the store keeper will alter the worlds to make it night time, and gently pick the humans out of their beds. 

The store keeper either collects one person from a household (a small group of humans that live in the same tiny place) or the whole household. If it is one human, it is strongly recommended to take another human that they know. If it is the whole household, the house is then destroyed and a natural disaster is faked to avoid suspicion from other humans. 

The store keeper usually uses a flashlight as they float the humans upwards. What's the top of the world is actually what they call a "sky". Because of the flashlight, humans have come up with strange theories about alien abductions and things like that. Silly humans!

The sleeping human then has their memories wiped - being adopted can be very stressful if they remember their old worlds. Don't worry about them missing their old lives, most of them had terrible ones anyway. 

Your human's memories will gently be removed and when they wake up, they will be a new person! The only thing retained is the memory of language, as when your new humans meet each other, it's going to take a long time for them to form a new language, so it's much easier to just let them keep the old one. We will discuss more on human language later.

Once the memories are gone, the humans are placed in beds and left in a Sleep Box. This is a box that makes sure they don't wake up before you take them home. This is because they will be very confused and scared if they wake up on their way home! It is much better for them to wake up to their new life in their new world. 

When the humans are safely in the Sleep Box, you will be asked to design your humans' home. You can add a countryside (lots of trees and few houses) or urban (city-like) environments. City humans should be kept in urban environments, and countryside humans can live in countryside environments. If you want, get both environments and let the humans choose where they want to be. 

Note that the humans may or may not sabotage their own homes, so get the store keepers number in case the little goofballs accidentally (or not) burn down their houses. Without houses, humans get scared.

It is recommended to keep animals in countryside environments to make it more "natural", like the humans' world in the pet store. However, domestic animals should not be given to small, mean, young, immature or generally stupid humans unless another capable human lives with them. Incapable humans generally make things worse while trying to care for an animal. However, in urban environments, certain kind of animals can be released- like pigeons in the skies, or cats in the street. If you're feeling really daring, put some crocodiles in the sewers.

A beach or lake is a great addition to your humans' world. They like water so much they often drown in it. Don't worry, this is normal behavior for humans and they have recognized it. Other humans usually save them. If you're feeling creative, add mountains and cliffs and all sorts of things your humans can go explore and possibly hurt themselves in. Note that their soft flesh gets damaged easily unlike our strong green leathery ones, but they've figured out ways to fix it. They are also generally unaware that giant "penguin-like animals" (as some call us. Yes, really) have adopted them from a pet store until you introduce yourself.

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