Chapter 5

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After 3 hours of staring at the ceiling and thinking about my life over and over again, I realized I wasn't going to fall asleep easily.

Ever since Toby had told me everything, I couldn't trust anything anymore. I always felt as if I were being watched, and I probably was, considering Toby knew everything about me.

I wondered why he did even watch me. I didn't do anything, and I wasn't anything special. I didn't even know he existed until today.. So how did he know about me? Why did he reveal himself today?

All these questions were some of what I was asking my self. I was so confused but I felt as if I had already known the answer.. Well I didn't.

I looked over at my phone: 12:34 P.M. It read.. I sighed and covered my face with my pillow, when I soon heard pacing around my room. I felt my heartbeat pick up speed, as I slowly lifted the pillow off my face, I had already seen a tall shadow hanging on the walls, but how could someone have gotten in?!

I followed the shadows over to a figure, who I thought was Tyler, until he turned and showed me his face. I had never seen a thing more terrifying than him.

His face was pale, his lips smiled creepily from ear to ear, his face like a jack-o-lantern, his smile had blood crisped around it, and his eyes were what scared me the most, they were very small, with strange bold black rings circling around them..

He wore a white hoodie, which obviously had blood stains everywhere.. I saw his glare fix on me.. I was hypnotized in fear just as I was when I met Ticci Toby,

"What's wrong Maye.. Your boyfriend didn't tell you about me?" I heard his raspy deep voice say. I already knew who he was talking about,

"You mean.. Ticci Toby?" I asked stupidly. Of course it was Ticci Toby.. I had no one else that I knew other than my family..

"Yes, but that doesn't matter.. anyway my names Jeff. Jeff the Killer." He says, adding the last part as if he was proud for the 'Killer' part being added.

Then an idea snapped in my head,

"Y-you're the serial killer? A-aren't you?" I said, I had to admit I was terrified, but if he was going to kill me I needed to know now,

"Yes.. I am. But if you tell anyone.. I will kill you in your sleep." He threatened pulling out a knife,

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked.. he fell silent just as Toby did,

"As much as I'd love to see your bloody corpse, I'm not... But I came to get you.. You need to come with me for some stupid reason I can't tell you about." He said. I sat up,

"Wait so your taking me away? Or am I running away?" I asked quickly,

"God, do you ever stop asking questions?!" He said impatiently. I sighed. I didn't know what I was doing anymore.

"Just get dressed and let's go." He said. I followed his orders although I didn't really know why. I couldn't run away, especially not with a killer!

After getting dressed I tiptoed downstairs to find Jeff, who I found was standing at my front door waiting,

"Ok let's go." He said frustrated, opening the door and allowing me to go first, then he followed.

After a few minutes of walking into the woods I just wanted to ask a few more things,

"Can you tell me where were going?"



"Private information."

And it ended there. I wanted to say something, but decided not to since Jeff seemed to be in a bad mood. I couldn't believe I was doing this.. it seemed so idiotic! Running away with a serial killer?! He was probably leading me to a trap.. I decided to ask him myself once I stopped in my tracks,

"How can I trust you to make sure your not leading me anywhere so you can kill me?"

I watch him groan and turn around walking up to me,

"I'll just make this easier for the both of us."

I open my mouth to ask what he meant, but I felt a pain on my head, and neck.

and everything went black.

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