Does anyone else have this one thing that just ticks them off, but they can't say anything about it because there isn't really a solid reason for the feeling and they feel like if they express the way they feel about it, everyone will just dismiss them as being overemotional?
Like, someone is doing something, and you just feel this indescribable bubble of rage in your chest, but you can't say anything because you know if you do, someone is going to call you 'overdramatic'.
I hate that feeling.
It makes me feel so insignificant. I hate the way my parents act as if my opinion doesn't matter, the way my friends laugh it off as if the pain I'm feeling isn't real, just a passing emotion that doesn't mean anything.
I hate it.
The Rants and Ramblings Of A Depressed Teen
HumorA bunch of random thing I think/say. A lot of these are just me being dumb, don't take it to seriously, alright?