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it was nearing midnight, and everyone was ready, red plastic cups in hand filled with leftover eggnog from the christmas party and a loved one in the other hand. taehyung was a giggling mess in jungkook's arms who could only roll his eyes and mutter how big of a lightweight taehyung was. hoseok (jin was forced to go and talk things out with them, so now they're sort of friends) was on the back of namjoon, cheering loudly at the stupid volleyball game playing on the tv; however, namjoon was busy trying to coax the hyperactive boy to let him sit down, because his back was aching badly and he did not need back pain at such a young age. yoongi was missing from the whole scene, claiming that he was busy with something. youngjae was sitting on the couch (well more like jaebum's lap) and was also in the midst of cheering on the volleyball teams. yugyeom and bambam were in the karaoke room that they had transformed the guest bedroom into. mark and jackson was somewhere also in that room, screaming the lyrics out loud too. there were tons of pets everywhere, each person having at least one or two cats or dogs. everyone had someone, and jin couldn't do anything but sit quietly on the island's bar stool. his significant other was gone, somewhere probably having a blast in america. 

'did he forget about me,' jin thought, a feeling of panic rushing over him, something that he has grown quite accustomed to over the course of jimin's absence. 

he sighed and slumped in his chair, letting his forehead touch the cool marble. "i miss him so much," he whispered.

he felt his phone ring in his pocket multiple times, but he couldn't find the energy to reach down and take it out. he was sort of depressed, which was definitely not the mood for new years. suddenly people started cheering in the living room, a loud ruckus that covered the lyrics of 'bang bang bang' by big bang and the pounding headache that was partying in jin's head. jin sighed again, the countdown was beginning.


jin massaged his temples, ignoring his phone.


the door suddenly slammed open, showing a disheveled yoongi with a giant box.


yoongi looked around and quickly spotted the upset man.


using as much upper strength as he can, yoongi pushed the box all the way across the hallway, through the living room, and into the kitchen.


yoongi stopped to rest a bit.


he whispered into the box, earning him a quick peck on the lips as a sign of gratitude.

"there's your own new years kiss yoongs."


yoongi smiled back before quickly looking up at jin.

"you ready?"


they nodded.


"here we go!"

yoongi tapped jin's shoulder, who looked over, surprised that yoongi was there.




jin was quickly cut off, as the lid of the box flew away and he felt something heavy fly onto his lap and a big, sloppy kiss on his lips.

cheers and expressions of love was all around the room, almost every person finding the lips of the one they love the most. namjoon and hoseok. taehyung and jungkook. youngjae and jaebum. yugyeom and bambam. mark and jackson. jin and jimin.

yoongi stood back, looking happily at everybody, happy to make at least everyone happy. he felt a presence next to him, and he looked over. it was jinyoung. jinyoung smiled at him and nodded towards the scene. "you got anyone?"

"no. you?"

"no. but its all cool. im not looking to date anytime soon. how about you?"

"me? nah. i got my new years kiss, but im not dating anyone."

"oh? who you kiss?"


"but he's—"

"he kissed me before the clock actually struck twelve."

"i see. just don't—"

"ruin their relationship," yoongi asked, as they both diverted their attention to the crying jin and the happily blabbering jimin.

yoongi smiled fondly at them. "nah. that's never going to happen."

[@jiminsfavorite] you received a new message!


@p_jm: happy new years my love :)

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@p_jm: happy new years my love :)

a/n: 'm starting a countdown to the end


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