Chapter 8

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Magnus wiped all the makeup from his face and they glitter from his hair. The rain had damaged it far beyond repair so there was no sense it keeping it one or trying to touch it up. He walked stiffly into the living room to Alec huddled up on the couch, blanket around his shoulders and leaned into Jace trembling. Magnus felt a pang of jealousy. But he shoved it brutally aside and kneeled down before Alec.

Asking what had happened Alec had explain his story of Victoria and how he was so terrified of his father he had jumped out of the bathroom window and ran. Many tears included. Magnus took Alec's hand in his, looking him straight in the eyes as he spoke.

"Babe he can't hurt you. It's your life you can do as you like. You don't have to tell him, me and Jace will. I'm sure Isabelle will help explain the situation as well." Magnus reassured him.

Alec embraced him in tears thanking him over and over. "Your the best boyfriend in the world you know that right?"

Magnus laughed gleefully at that placing a kiss lightly on his mouth, out of the corner of his eyes he saw Jace had a ghost of a smile on his face. Arms folded across his chest he stood and interrupted their session. "Uh..not being rude, but do you two need a moment alone or are we heading out now?"

Jace not being rude?! Magnus was flabbergasted. "No, no. Let's get it over with." He replied shrugging on his coat grabbing at the umbrella hung on the coat stand.

Him and Jace hurried down the wet street, 4am lovely it seemed as if sleep would escape them this night. They had left Alec home with chairman meow for company. He didn't need to confront his father again, after what had happened as a child and his father learned of his sexuality. He didn't even want to think what would happen now.

Jace didn't even bother to knock as it was his home, flinging open the doors and barging right in Magnus behind him. Flicking the light switch at his finger tips illuminating the hallway Jace called out , "Robert?! ROBERT!! Get down here!"

A figure appeared at the top of the stirs in a dark suit and hair. He was tall and board, dark eyes set firmly into his features. This was the man known as Robert Lightwood. He hurriedly came down the stairs placing himself in front of Jace.

"By the angel have you found him? Where did Alec go?!" He demanded straightforwardly. He raised an eyebrow at Magnus, muttering something beneath his breath, something about his sexuality Magnus was assured. "As well who in Raziel's name is this?"

Jace took a deep breathe. "This is Magnus. Magnus Bane high warlock of Brooklyn. Alec's boyfriend." At that Roberts eyebrows raised into his hairline, his eyes widening and his mouth slightly a gape. "Robert, your son is gay. Did you hear me! GAY. you cannot change him no matter how hard you try. He is who he is. There is no way he can marry Victoria. Understand?"

Moments ticked on a Robert remained all but silent then finally he spoke, "Oh I do." He said sup risingly gentle, compared to how Alec described him. Then suddenly, his eyes laid on Magnus and that all changed. His eyes grew cold, his jaw sternly set and when he spoke next his tone was filled with pure hatred and disgust.

"I understand very well. I understand that Mr. Bane has done something very wrong here..." He strode up to Magnus, his massive bulk comparing even the warlocks height. Slightly intimidated Magnus inched back.

"Now answer me you filthy downworlder, how on earth did you turn my son gay?"

(WELL THEN. Robert what's he gone do any guesses in the comments my lovelies???💕)

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