Chapter 9

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Magnus stared blankly at Robert, blinking his eyes repeatedly. Was he dreaming? Was this man really blaming him for his sons sexuality? Behind him Jace mouth was agape as well with disgust.

" e-excuse me?" He demanded.

"You heard me warlock!" Roberts voice had rose into a shout, "what did you do to my son to turn him gay?!"

Magnus was exasperated, "How could I-"

"Daddy...?" A small voice came from the top of the stairs, "what's going on?"

Max; the youngest Lightwood stood atop the stairs in striped pjs rubbing at his eyes. By the look of it they had woken him up.

Robert turned his tine gentle for a moment. "Son, it's nothing. Go back to sleep."

"But daddy..."

"Jace why don't you take him?" Looking at Jace there was a cold glint to his eyes.

Jace opened his mouth to protest, but Robert intervened. "Now, please Jace."

Not wanting to make a show in front of Max, Jace end up the stairs as told lifting a drowsy max back to bed.

Magnus gulped, he felt extremely uncomfortable alone in the room with Robert. His glare was deathly and he clearly had hatred for homosexuals...and being a downworlder didn't help him out in this situation.

"Now Warlock, I'm going to ask you once more. What spell did you use on my son to attract him to you?" He spat. Magnus observe as he spoke he was slowly unwinding his belt from his hips, but he didn't cower away. He wouldn't, Magnus thought, he couldn't.

Magnus took in another deep breath, "I already told you I did nothing to your son. I-" with that Magnus saw the blur of his hand and the belt ceased within it, and with non human speed he out his hand up before his face, clutching the leather strap tightly in his grip.

"I apologize Mr. Lightwood, but that won't be working on me." He said with deadly sweet sincerity. "I'm 800 years old, I believe I'm able to make my own decisions without the punishment of an adult."

He yanked the belt from Roberts hand flinging it across the room, gritting his teeth Robert stared back at him rage consuming his face.

"Now listen Robert." Magnus began. "You have a son, and he was born with the love for the same sex. He's been this way since birth. Nothing turns, you gay, nothing can reverse you love. You don't understand how many times he's tried to change just to please you and you still regard him as if he's trash!

"He loves you so much there are words that cannot describe it. But you despise him because he likes men. Because he looks at them and think they are cute, sexy even. But your son in the most kind and loving and selfless person I have met since the day I was created. And Robert I love him, if god is against that I don't care, I will go against all the odds no matter what because I love him. Is there anything you wouldn't do for love Robert?!"

Robert stood across from him mouth agape and utterly speechless. When he had regained composure Magnus was disgusted with the on,y thing he had to say. "What about Victoria?"

Magnus had just poured all of his heart out wit a speech he had made up off the top of his head and this man still didn't understand. Magnus flushed red, angry and flustered. "I don't care about her! She go march her pretty face back into Idris and find a pint her suitor cause Alec will never love her! Even if you paid him all the riches in to world he would never even touch her! So therefore if you don't tell her to leave, I'll-"

All the air rushed from Magnus's lungs, instantly regretting all that he had ranted. He could see past the glamour, and it wasn't a pretty sight. It was a long ugly slice in the left side of her face, but they could not see it. Unless they had tried to that is.

Victoria stood it the hallway, still her her dress that Alec had described from earlier, but her hair wasn't up any longer the ringlets hung free about almost down to her waist. Tears were built in her eyes. "I knew it..." She whispered as if she only needed to reassure herself, "I knew no one could ever love me.."

And with that she turned and ran back through the Institute halls weeping uncontrollably.

(Awee well the whole glamour thing will be explain more through in the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed lovelies! 💕 feedback in the comments is much appreciated. Also I mean c'mon I'm a hardcore Malec shipper but we gotta feel a little bad for Victoria right?)

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