Chapter 19

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The day Maxwell Lightwood was buried the sky cried. The service was short and tearful, his ash choking the sky mixing with the rain that never ceased. Alec's eyes stared dully; he was unable to cry, unable to feel. Maryse sobbed at the death of her youngest child, as did Isabelle who couldn't stop her tears from flowing. Afterwards Jace had stormed away angrily his golden bangs hiding his tears as he hastily wiped at his face.

Alec was the last one to stand at max's spot in the silent city. He couldn't bring himself to leave his little brother all alone in this godforsaken place. Max had always been scared of the dark. Alec wondered if it was dark where Max was and if he was scared. He prayed he wasn't.

A hand was laid upon his shoulder, and he turned to see he warlock looking at him sombrely. "Hey, you doing okay babe?" He gave his back a comforting rub.

Alec bit his lips, shook his head and gave out a bitter laugh of grief. "I don't know. I just don't know what to feel, Magnus."

Magnus gave him a look, holding all this shadowhunter was with very, very sad eyes. He took Alec's own pain like a knife through his heart. "It's alright to cry Alec. You don't have to build a brick wall around yourself. Take it from someone who wishes it could be that way for them." Magnus said sorrowfully. He opened his arms to Alec.

Magnus found Alec running into him, his shoulder becoming his headrest. Arms wrapped around the older mans neck, and Alec's body shuddered against him, "It's okay baby you can let it all go."

Tears stained Magnus's suit jacket. And Alec sobbed loudly against him. His breath hitching and catching on his tears. Magnus's tears welled up in his glimmering cat eyes. He had never heard Alexander sob as hard as he did now, it was a sound he learned he resented.

He was tightening one arm around the boy's waist and the other around his shoulders, proceeding to run one through the shadowhunter boy's dark locks. Alec still continued to cry on. Magnus had learned if you kept emotions in too long that your dam breaks and your emotions overflow.

And this was Alec's breaking point.

"H-he was too -young Mags...he w-was..h-he- he...." He gasped between sobs.

"'s alright babe I know I's so unfair baby, it really is. He was a bright young boy. He never deserved any of this." Magnus comforted with honest statements.

Alec's lip quivered, he blinked more tears and just nuzzled his face back into Magnus's shoulder. "His trial is tomorrow." He said his voice cracking with another sob.

"Baby you don't have to go." Magnus said sternly clutching to him tighter as if he were protecting him from the harm Robert could cause him with his own body.

Alec stepped away, drawing a hand across his face. His eyes were red and his hair was tangled. Magnus had never seen him look so very tired. Tired of everything; everything his father inflicted upon him.

"I have to." He said hoarsely. " I have to do it. I have to face him. I have to throw away my cowardice. For Max."

Magnus tensed at the harshness of Alec's words. If there was one thing he never forgot in all his years it was that the Lightwood's were a determined family. Thinking of Gideon, and Gabriel, and even Anna Lightwood. All stubborn natured with good hearts. Alec was a little more good hearted then the rest of them but deep down those stubborn roots were still there.

"Alright. And I'll be right there by your side when you confront him. You dint have to do anything alone." Magnus said taking his hand in a firm grip. Alec leaned in and placed a kiss on the warlocks lips.

"And I thank Raziel everyday for that." And with that they parted the silent city together.


Victoria walked through the lower halls of the city of bones her bag clutched to her side, she pulled her jacket around her to attempt to ward off the biting chill. She came to the cold iron bars and with hesitation peered in between them. No one knew she was down here.

"Jonathan!" She called quietly. "Jonathan I'm here with your things! Hurry Now! I don't wish to be caught!"

A darker shaped moved amongst the shadows until it rippled and surfaced into Sebastian Morgenstern. His hair shine light a beacon amongst the darkness. And his eyes shone when he laid his sight in her, one eyes the colour of onyx, the other of emeralds. Victoria liked him best when he looked like this. A beautiful, sharp, unpredictable muse.

His hand stretched out through the bars, stroking her face, unable the feel the difference of her skin hidden by the glamour. She could not stand to see Jonathan looking at her true self. "You really something you know that dear." He pecked her cheek and Victoria's face flushed.

"Jonathan I-" she heard echoing footsteps, and she jumped. "I must go I'm sorry." She thrust the bag through the bars filled with food and clean clothes she had snuck from the institute. Pulling her dark jacket over her head she ran down the corridor, concealing herself in darkness. Sebastian smiling after her.

"My beautiful angel." He chimed.

Victoria heard the sickening sound as she headed up the way she came hearing silent brothers following in pro suit behind her. And she did all she could not to cry out. For the sound was of a boy changing into a monster.

(Hope you enjoyed! So sorry for the long wait! Comment, vote and follow my lovelies! I love to get feedback from you it makes my day guys it really does :) )

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