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Third Person Pov:

The guild looked at their first master with stunned silence.

Everyone knew that ever since the guild's celestial and water mage left the fire dragon slayer and the ice devil slayer is well emotionally unstable especially the ice devil slayer.

And besides who in their right mind would let Natsu and Gray babysit the two kids?

"Uh... First master are you sure about that? I mean those two do not match the requirements of being a babysitter"

Macao asked the first master which made some members agree including Natsu and Gray who are still too shocked that someone would made them watch the kids to move.

"Aww don't worry minna I am sure that Natsu and Gray would be more than capable and besides they are the top two strongest members here"

Mavis said and no one said anything until Gray slammed his hand at the table and looked at Mavis.

"First I can't do this... I am part of the Grand Magic Games"

"You don't need to worry Gray you only need to watch over Storm everyday after the GMG"

"Then why not make Erza do it? Or Mira?"

"You know that Erza is 3 months pregnant Gray and Mira is helping Kinana with her new born daughter"

Gray looked at the first master and sighed with annoyance. Then he looked at Natsu with a look that practically says 'help me'.

Natsu then stood up and looked at Zeref and Mavis.

"Then why not the two of you do it? The two of you are more responsible"

Zeref gave Natsu an apologetic smile. While Nashi and Storm looked a little hurt that their biological father doesn't want to be with them.

"Sorry Natsu but I am the one who is in charge of making sure dark phantom won't attack our guild while the GMG is still on going plus Mavis is the one that made the plan and the one who would make it work so the both of us can't go"

Zeref said and the 'besides Nashi is your daughter' had been left unsaid.

"Why not Macao? Wakaba? Laki? Max? Or anyone else? Why us?"

"Natsu Wakaba and I are too old for being a babysitter and no offence to Laki and Max but they just don't fit the job"

Gray and Natsu just stood there and said nothing. Because even if they admit it or not what the first master said is true that they were indeed the strongest in the guild.

"So I believe that this problem is resolved so let's go to the more serious matter at hand oh and the kids should probably go into my room and introduce themselves to Nashi and Storm"

The first master said and the kids went to the first master's room while Mavis began to explain the things that is needed for the rescue mission.


The guild members are huddled together in a table listening intently to their first master's plan.

"Allright so team A are the ones who are participating in the GMG which are Gray, Natsu, Laxus, Gajeel and Wendy"

She looked at the five and saw Gray and Natsu still a little uneasy about them being the kids' babysitters.

"Team A I want the five of you to do your best at the games and I also need you five to look for suspicious things happening at the games. Are we clear?"

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