The Battle

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Third Person Pov:

Natsu growled at the two bastards in front of him and was about to launch towards them when he realized he couldn't move. He looked at the two in front of him who are smirking. Obviously they had done something to him.

"What the hell did you do to me!?"

The girl laughed and tightened her hold of Nashi who is limp against her arms and the same could be said to Storm who looks dead against the boy.

"That's probably the effect of the bomb we threw earlier. You see that bomb has a special ability to paralyze all kinds of slayer. Dragon, God and Demon slayers."

For a moment Natsu and Gray looked shocked but that quickly turned into anger as they both struggled against the effects of the bomb.

The two smirked and was about to leave when something happened. Two figures appeared behind the Dark Phantom members.

"Shadow Dragon's Roar!"

"White Dragon's Roar!"

It appears that the two figures were Sting and Rouge of Sabertooth.!The two attacks combined. Unfortunately the members managed to dodge but fortunately in effort to dodge the attack they had released their holds to Nashi and Storm who fell into the arms of Sting and Rogue.

"Well it seems like we just arrived on time didn't we Rogue?"

Rogue stayed silent and that is when the effects of the bomb lose it's effects.

Natsu rushed towards Sting and took Nashi who is now trembling while Rouge hand a tense Storm towards a relieved Gray.

"Don't worry Nashi everything's going to be alright I'm here. And as long as I am alive I won't let anyone harm you."

"I will bring your mom back Storm. I promise. I'll get her back."

Sting awwed at the sight of his idol and Gray have a touching moment with their-

"Awww what a touching moment! But we are wasting time! Sorry but those two are coming with us."

The four slayers snapped their heads towards the Dark Phantom members. Natsu and Gray growled.

Scales started to appear at Natsu's body and black marks appeared at one side of Gray's body. Sting and Rouge stood in front of Nashi and Storm protectively.

"Crimson Lotus: Fire Dragon's Fist!"

Natsu slammed his fist against the girl but instead of dodging the girl just stood there unmoving. Natsu thought he got her until she raised her hand.

"Creation: Shield!"

A magic circle appeared protecting the girl from the deadly attack. Meanwhile on the other side of the battle field.

"Ice Devil's Rage!"

A large beam of ice/snow was released from Gray's mouth and the boy stared at the incoming attack before grinning madly.

"Ancient Magic: Catastrophe!"

A ball of black energy rushed forward colliding with Gray's attack head on creating a big explosion.

"Who are you two?"

Rogue asked the two.

"Oh how rude! We haven't introduced ourselves yet!"

"Shut it! Anyway the both of us are Dark Phantom's strongest members excluding Master X. My codename is Bug and this idiot here is Cat."

"Tell me..."

Someone said almost in a whisper. They all looked towards Natsu who is now shaking in rage.

"What do you want with Nashi and Storm? Why did you take their mothers?"

"Isn't it obvious? We need them to take over the world! But don't worry their death would be peace-"

Before Cat could end his sentence a fist slammed into his face followed by a...

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"

Beacause of this Bug became distracted not noticing the demon slayer behind her.

"Ice Devil's Zeroth Long Sword!"

A long sword appeared from Gray's palms and used this to slashthe two at the back. The two were sent flying and the twin dragons took this as their cue to attack.

"Unison Raid: Holy Dragon's Flash Fang!"

But it didn't stop there the slayers continued attacking the two wizards being mindful of the fainted kids.

But when Natsu is about to deliver the finishing blow the two managed to dodge. After a barrage of attacks from the four slayers it is surprising that the two are still able to stand up.

"Creation: Healing Gas!"

A kind of gas surrounded the area and all of them including the slayers felt energized. Nashi and Storm slowly woke up and their wounds all healed up but the same could be said to Bug and Cat. And then Cat spoke.

"I must say the four of you are really strong... We want to play with you a little more but you see we really are in a hurry."

"Ancient Magic: Black Hole!"

A black hole appeared just behind Nashi and Storm.

"Storm! Nashi!"

Gray yelled but Storm and Nashi was already sucked in. Gray and Natsu stared at the last place Storm and Nashi was with horror and anger evident in their faces.

"Mission Complete!"

The duo said and Natsu and Gray was about to beat the hell out them with the help of Sting and Rouge when something very surprising happened.

A bright golden light appeared.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I think Mission Failed is much more appropriate don't you think? Right? Gray? Natsu?"

Bug and Cat gaped, Sting and Rouge smiled and Natsu and Gray jawdropped.

"Long time no see guys!"


And finished!!! Sorry for the late chapter update and the crappy battle scene. I am deeply sorry about it because I'm not really good at battle scenes. This is actually the first time I made a battle scene.

Anyway until next time guys!!!


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