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Third Person Pov:

Mavis is pacing around the room with Zeref sitting in a chair reading a book and looking far more calmer than she liked. Finally she turned towards him and gave him a glare that would make a normal person run and cry.

Key word: Normal

"*sigh* Mavis stop glaring and calm down."

Zeref said without looking at her. Mavis glared harder and would make a normal person freeze and faint.

Again key word: Normal

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!? How can I calm down when Lucy and Juvia are still out there!?"

At her outburst Zeref finally stood up and looked at her.

"Mavis I know you're worried and I am too plus there is Nashi and Storm too... Jellal and his team already knows the truth and the same goes for Levy and her team and because of that they are doing their hardest to find them."

Mavis' glare disappeared and was replaced by a big cute and teary eyes.

"I-i just want to find them... And time is not on our side..."

Zeref walked towards Mavis and hugged her.

"Time is never on our side... Will never be I guess... Life is is cruel that way..."

Zeref said wistfully and Mavis silently sobbed in his arms.

"Tell you what I will send Natsu and Gray to take Nashi and Storm to a theme park and while they are away we will tell the whole guild and some others who knew Lucy and Juvia personally. To fasten up the search."

Zeref looked at Mavis and gave her a genuine smile reserved only for a few handful of people and said people rarely get to see it. So if you saw it you're lucky and cherish the moment.

"I hope we would be able to find them..."


Unknown to the couple who is having a sweet moment with each other a certain dragon slayer heard them.

" fasten up the search"

Natsu was about to enter the room when he heard that and wondered if they are talking about Nashi and Storm's moms.

He went down to think about it and on the way he bumped into Nashi.

"Hiya Nashi! What's up?"

He asked and the girl stared at him and then burst into tears.

Natsu suddenly kneeled in front of the girl and hugged her. The girl reminds him so much of Lucy and seeing her cry makes him want to punch the person who caused it.

"I-i can't take it anymore! I want my mom! Please give her back to me!"

Nashi continued to cry and Natsu rubbed her back soothingly.

"Don't worry Nashi I'll find your mom I promise that and I never go back on my promises!"

Natsu grinned at Nashi and she smiled softlt and hugged him.

"Thank you... Dad..."

And Nashi fell unconscious.


Natsu Pov:

Did... Did she just... She called me dad!? I looked at Nashi who has a small smile on her face and saw her asleep.

I don't know why but when she called me dad I felt strangely happy. Like very happy it's the same happiness I got when Luce would hug me but at the same time it was not.

When Lucy hugs me or says something nice about me my heart is beating so fast and there's some weird fluttering in my stomach.

But when Nashi called me dad... It's like my inside melt and my heart go warm...

"Hey idiot are you alright?"

I looked behind me and saw Gray who looked like shit. Because seriously it's like the guy haven't had a proper sleep in days!

"Should you really be asking me that? You're the one who looks like a complete moron!"

I shouted at him and lifted Nashi on my arms.

"Don't call me a moron you ash for brains! Storm's just getting a bit moody the last few days"

He said and I was sure that it's not the only reason.

"He's moody why?"

"He misses his mother and he's been having nightmares lately..."

I nodded in understanding because the same is happening to Nashi.

"You know you're acting awfully like a father would."

Gray flinched when I said that and I just looked at him curiously.

Why did he act so strongly when I said that?

"Shut it flame freak anyway put Nashi on her room I need to talk to you about something."

He said and went away. Huh? What was that all about? Anyway I put Nashi in her room and quickly went towards Ice princess' room. I entered and saw him deep in thought.

"So what is it?"

I asked and he looked at me seriously.

"I think Zeref and first master is hiding something very important that involves the kids."

Say what!?


Third Person Pov:

Master X walked around the room with a dark aura. The others looked their master warily.

Then finally master X snapped.

"Alright that's it! I'm tired of this fucking nonsense! We'll get those keys no matter what! Cat and Bug you two will follow the kids and I don't give a fuck if that dragon slayer or demon slayer are with them! GET THOSE KEYS!!!"

He yelled and Cat and Bug nodded and started to plan about their attack. Master X looked at the others who all flinched.

"And all of you go and make sure those fairies will stay where they are! I don't want anyone interrupting our plans!"

They all nodded and Master X was left in the room. Master X walkes towards the cellar where Lucy and Juvia are being held and grinned wickedly.

"As for me... I will prepare the ritual myself... Hahahahaha!!! Prepare yourselves because this will be the last week of your pathetic lives!"

Lucy and Juvia glared at the laughing maniac who just ignored them.

"You bastard... You'll never get Nashi! Natsu will protect her!"

"Lucy-san's right! I am sure Gray-sama will protect Storm-kun!"

The evil villain just continued to laugh making him look like a complete moron and a crazy idiot who just escaped the asylum.

"Hahahaha no one will ever stop meeee!!!"

Whoooo after months I finally updated! Sorry if this is short but I already have plans for the next chapter!

Bye guys see you next time!

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