The Revelation

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"I certainly expected that kind of request... Well I am a person that never brakes his promises. So I grant you your wish..."

The anger changed into hapiness and hope but I knew he was not finished.

"However about your mom's and Garnet's freedom... Well they need to earn it themselves"


"Oh and by the way if you even think of giving away information about me... Well you know what I am capable of"

I remained silent while staring at the floor. This... This is unfair... I didn't notice that I was crying.

I slowly went out of the room and started to get ready... I will make sure that I will save them...

***Flashback Continues***

I decided to stay in a small village far away from that guild because I want to start anew.

I was seated in the couch and was staring at nothing when a knock snapped me out of my lala land.

I opened the door and it revealed two cute kids one with pink hair and the other with blue hair.

"Hello new neighbor! My name's Nashi! My mom asked me to give this to you!"

The pink haired girl said while handing me a bag of cookies.

"Oh uh thank you"

I said awkwardly. It has been a while since someone gave me something.

"You're welcome!"

The girl grinned and somehow it looks really familiar.

"If you don't mind me asking who are your parents?"

"My mom's name is Layla and this idiot's mother's name is Julia! As for our dads... Well... We don't know them"

I smiled at the both of them at least they still have their mom.

"Nashi! Did you give the cookies?"

"Storm-kun your clothes!"

I looked at the voices of what I assumed Nashi and the boy's mothers and what I saw made my jaw drop.

"Lucy-chan? Juvia-chan?"

I asked or more like whispered. Fate really hates me. Of all the people that could become my neighbor it has to be them.

"I-I'm sorry but our name is not Lucy and Juvia but Layla and Julia"

So I assume that that is their fake name. Well I think I wpuld play along for a while.

"Is that so... Oh I'm sorry it's just that the two of you look a lot like my friends from a long time ago... By the way my name is Lina"

I almost laughed at their dumbfounded looks which they quickly covered up. I hope we would be able to become friends again and then maybe I could warn them of dark phantom.


"You were invited in the games?"

Lucy and Juvia nodded. It's already been a year since Lucy and Juvia told me about them and a month since I told them the truth.

They were angry at first saying how I betrayed them but they understand saying they'll do the same if they were on my shoes.

It's also been a month after I found my mother in the woods with her memories as a dark phantom member gone. I asked her to stay somewhere where she could immediately ask for help.

Anyway back on the matter at hand.

"Yes Juvia and Lucy-san were invited... Should we go or not?"

Juvia asked me and in my opinion it's only right. This might also be the chance for them to tell their guildmates about dark phantom.

So I voiced out my opinion and the both of them agreed.

I just hope they would be alright.


I moved out from Celesta town after I saw dark phantom members running around and I stayed with my mother.

I also knew what happened. They were successful in taking Lucy and Juvia but Nashi has the keys so now they are probably the target of dark phantom.

Lucy's spirit Leo came here and delivered a message.

He said that Lucy said to never tell Natsu or Gray or their closest friend about them that I should just tell the truth to someone not that close to them so that he or she may act calmly and with a rational mind.

So I would do just that but before I could go mom brought someone from fairy tail whose name is Jellal Fernandez.

***Flashback ends***

Jellal Pov:

I stared at Lina with a shocked face... So Nashi and Storm's mothers are none other than Lucy and Juvia and if you think about their age it was around the time Lucy and Juvia went away.

And by Lina's story there was no doubt about who are the fathers of Nashi and Storm.

"I told you because I know that you are one of the few members in fairy tail that wouldn't act like an idiot and just burst in the guild hall of Dark Phantom. I knew you would act accordingly. But of course you can't do it alone so I'll help you do it"

I looked at Lina and shooked my head.

"Even though I knew that once Natsu and Gray learned the truth they would probably demand to go and save Lucy anf Juvia they still need to learn the truth"

Lina looked like she is hesitant well who could blame her? Gray especially Natsu doesn't really think when Juvia or Lucy are in danger.

"I guess so... But I'll come with you. I still know their location and I can help in explaining"

"Me too! I'll come and help!"

Lina and I looked at Alex. Well he's a former member... I guess he could come.

"Well I am going to call and tell my teammates to come here and I'll also tell everything I found out to master Macarov."

I stood up and dialled master Macarov's number. I hope everything would be alright...

But I am kinda sorry for dark phantom because I am hundred percent sure that once Natsu and Gray learned the truth they would stop at nothing to save Lucy and Juvia. Water gods be damned.


Hello guys! Sorry for the super duper late update and I am sorry too because you guys have to wait for the next chapter for the Nashi and Natsu amd Storm and Gray bonding moments.

Anyway school is finally over! But I won't promise that the updates are gonna be faster because to be honest I am slowly losing interest in this but don't worry I'll finish this.

Once again Fairy Tail is not mine and I'll see you guys in the next update.

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