Attack I

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Third Person Pov:


Someone whispered, no one would've heard it but due to Natsu's superb hearing he still managed to do it.

"Yes, Nashi?"

"Be careful okay?"

Natsu smiled and ruffled Nashi's hair.

"Don't worry Nashi I will definitely come back with Luce I promise."

The two pinkette hugged each other while on the other side of the room two tsunderes are having their own conversation.

"Hey old man come back alive okay? Bring back mom... Because if you don't Storm will kick your butt!"

Gray chuckled and kneeled in front of Storm.

"Don't worry I'd rather kill myself than not bringing Juvia back."

The father and son smiled at each other while the other members smiled.


Lucy Pov:

I don't know how many days had pass ever since Juvia and I were kidnapped here. There are no windows to indicate the time and our captors doesn't even come and make sure we're still here. They probably think we can't escape.

Cocky bastards.

What those idiots doesn't know is that Juvia and I had trained the last few years and right now I can change into my star dress without my keys and Juvia can turn into a puddle of water willingly. We just need to replenish our energy and we can get out of this hellhole.

If not only for this magic suppressant chains...

"Hey... Juvia..."

I spoke and I felt Juvia shifting a bit.

"Yes Lucy-san?"

"I-I'm worried... I don't know what the hell's happening out there. I don't know if Nashi is safe. I don't know is she's eating well. I-I haven't been away from her this long... I'm so goddamn weak I can't even protect my own child! I'm so useless!"

I felt tears streaming down my eyes. Nashi. My baby. I've been training to protect her and yet...


I heard Juvia call out to me and then I looked at her.

"Juvia knows how Lucy-san feels but... Juvia... Juvia has fate in Storm... Storm wouldn't let Nashi-chan get hurt and Juvia's sure Lucy-san's celestial spirit wouldn't let anyone to harm the children..."

Juvia paused and then I heard her chuckling.

"And besides... Storm and Nashi-chan are both strong... They're also stubborn and has a strong sense of friendship... Just like their dads..."

I smiled softly when Juvia said that. She's right. I trust my spirits not to let my child got hurt. And I trust him too.

Natsu... That stupidly idiotic handsome guy that made me fall million times over. I'm sure Natsu would kill himself first than let a nakama die in his watch.

"You're right Juvia... I wonder though... When will they come he-"

I was abruptly cut off by a huge explosion that caused the ground to shake and unconsciously I smiled.

My questions had been answered.


Third Person Pov:

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