Amusement Park

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Third Person Pov:

Gray is staring at Storm and Nashi who were both asleep side by side with Nashi's head on Storm's shoulder. Natsu meanwhile is beside him having trouble with his motion sickness.

The four of them are on a train and is going to an amusement park as per the first master's request.

Gray sighed and looked outside getting lost in his thoughts.

'I don't really mind if the first master is close friends with Nashi and Storm's mothers but... There is this nagging feeling that tells me there is something I should know about them...'

Gray took a glance at Storm and began to think of his similarities with Juvia.

'Storm has the same pale skin complexion, the same way of talking and even the same possessiveness'

Gray thought then suddenly Storm started to talk in his sleep.

"...Gray... Please save Storm's mom... Save her please... Dad..."

Gray was snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Storm with wide eyes.


Gray Pov:

Dad? Did Storm called me... No that's not right... Maybe he is just thinking about someone else... Yes that's right...

I told myself but I can't shake off this feeling that Storm calling me dad is right.

I sighed and didn't dwell on it. I have more important things I need to think about than this like Storm's resemblance and similarities in terms of personality with... With Juvia.

Storm is so alike with Juvia and sometimes I can't help but to think that Storm is Juvia's son. But the selfish part of me keeps denying that fact maybe because I still held to that tiny hope that Juvia might still love me.

And then there's the fact that if Storm is indeed Juvia's son then that must mean Juvia is in danger.

Flashbacks of everything that happened to the people I love started rushing. My mom's death, Ur's sacrifice to save me, Ultear becoming old to save the world, my dad's death and finally Juvia almost dying to save me.

I sighed and shake off those feelings until a certain memory clouded my mind. It's a memory years ago, just after we won the war. Natsu and I got drunk so much and after that it's a bit fuzzy but I can still make some of it.

Natsu and I arguing loudly, saying some embarrassing stuff, Juvia taking me home and then...

Holy shit...


Storm Pov:

I woke up with the feeling of someone staring at me. I opened my eyes and saw my dad staring at me like he had seen a ghost.

"Da- Uncle Gray is something the matter?"

I asked and dad seemed to flinch but he just shook his head.

"I'm fine Storm... If you don't mind me asking what is your mother's name?"

I looked at him in shock. Did he know?

"Uh um... It's J-julia... B-but you do know about that already right? Storm- I mean- I already told you right?"

I then chuckled nervously but dad just narrowed his eyes at me signalling that he knows I am lying.

But luckily it seems like fate is on my side today because we finally arrived at the amusement park.

"Hey look we're here! Hey Nashi wake up sleepyhead! I'll race you there!"

Nashi jolted out of her sleep and she looked really confused.

"Wha- What happened?"

"Hahaha race you there!"

I said then ran off. Well crisis averted!


Third Person Pov:

Gray narrowed his eyes at the running Storm who is followed by Nashi.

'His reaction were just making my assumptions right'

Gray thought to himself all the while dragging poor Natsu towards the amusement park.

After a few minutes they finally arrived and Gray bought four tickets and the kids immediately started going for the rides. Meanwhile Gray found a nearby bench and carelessly threw Natsu on it.

Because of this the dragon slayer got back his senses and glared at the demon slayer.

"What the hell is that for ya bastard!?"

Gray didn't answer him and because of this Natsu almost punched the guy but then he saw the serious look his admittedly best friend's face.

"Gray? What's wrong dude?"

Natsu asked and Gray turned towards him and sighed.

"Natsu when you look at Nashi do you remember something or more specifically someone?"


Natsu Pov:

I stared at Gray because of the weird question. What does he mean by that? Am I supposed to remember someone by looking at Nashi?

Because of my curiosity I looked towards Nashi. Her brown eyes and bright smile always reminded me of... Lucy...

"Why do you ask Gray?"

"Because I think that the first is hiding something very big from us..."

I looked at him with curiosity.

"Something big? Like what?"

Gray was about to respond but a scream and an explosion interrupted him. We both looked towards the source of the scream and our my widened in fear.

It's Nashi and Storm being held by two strangers a girl and a boy who I'm guessing is part of Dark Phantom.

"Put them down now!"

I yelled while slowly walking towards them. The guy smirked.

"And what if I don't?"

He asked and I growled. No one should hurt Nashi. No one!

"I'll kill you"

Omg!!! Finalky finished!!! Anyway sorry for the late and short update! Let's just say I had been busy with school lately passing requirements and preparing for the exams...

But anyway the exams is finished now although I won't promise that the updates would be quicker...

Anyway see you guys next time!!!


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