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Okay so guys I am so so so sorry for taking so long to update! I'll be honest and won't say it's because of school but rather I just can't find the inspiration to write a new chapter PLUS a major writer's block then there is also the fact that I am getting addicted to pokemon rom hacks and is playing pokemon shiny gold sigma, theta emerald ex and firered rocket edition at the same time!

Then there is also the fact that I became a Hetalia addict since I started to watch the series this year and been drowning myself with sooo many Hetalia fanfictions which is too many to count...

So this is me saying I AM DEEPLY SORRY for taking so long to update but don't worry I intend to finish this and the next update will probably be next month so yeah...

Au revoir!
Auf wiedersehen!

[On a very side note anyone here watches hetalia and read yaoi fics? If yes have any of you read we'll meet again and besame mucho? If yes then you already know my top two hetalia otp.]

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