Second Day Of GMG

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Third Person Pov:

Nashi is sleeping peacefully when something or more like someone woke her up.

"Nash-chan! Nash-chan! Wake up! We need to get up!"

Nashi groaned and covered her ears.

"Shut up Gale-chan... Five more... Five more minutes"

"Hmph... Come on Nash-chan we don't wanna be late"

Nashi sat up and glared at Gale and then went back to sleep.

"Ugh. Fine you leave me with no choice. I have to take drastic measures"

And then after that the sound of the door opening is heard then after a few minutes a loud slam could be heard.

"Oi!!! Fire breath!!! Wake up!!!"

"Shaattaaap!!! I'm trying to sleep here you ice cone!!!"

Storm just stood there angrily with an impatient Gale behind him. Just then a very evil or more accurately a demon like smirk appeared on Storm's face.


After that very disturbing laugh coming from the devil slayer a very loud shriek woke up all the guild members in the inn.

"You icy pants!!! How dare you!!!"

If you wanna know what happened well Storm poured a bucket of ice cold water to the still sleeping Nashi.

"That's what you get!!! Gale and I tried to wake you up for the last couple of minutes and you still didn't go up so we were forced to take drastic measures!"

The two kids continued to chase each other around the inn while Gale continued laughing because of the face Nashi made after Storm forcefully woke her up using the ice cold water.

Meanwhile the two supposed babysitters of Nashi and Storm is sleeping not so peacefully (they were dreaming about two certain wizards) when they heard the loud shriek and they literally jumped up and dashed all the way towards the room of Nashi and Storm only to see a still laughing Gale.

"Gale? What's with the shriek? What happened? Where's Nashi and Storm?"

Gale stopped laughing and looked towards Natsu and Gray and proceeded on telling the rather funny story to the two confused babysitters.

After the story Natsu chuckled a little while Gray had a somewhat amused face.

"So that's what happened huh? *sigh* so.... Where is the two now?"

Before Gale could answer Gray's question a loud crash could be heard downstairs and the trio immediately went down and saw a dripping wet Nashi and a laughing Storm engaged in a very intense battle.

Gray was about to stop them because one they should get ready for the GMG and two he is getting a headache but Mira had stopped him from doing it.

"Don't stop them Gray, can't you see they stopped being awkward around us and started to warm up to us and if you stopped them I think it would get awkward. Besides aren't they making you remind of you and Natsu before... Before the accident?"

Gray stood still and just noded and watched the two while Natsu just sat down and watched the two while telling Mira he wants some fire chicken.

"You penguin! You interrupted my beauty sleep!"

"Shut up pyro! And what beauty sleep? You will never get beautiful even when you sleep for thousands of years!"

"Ugh! You ice queen!"

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