Advice From Dad Part I

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Third Person Pov:

It was a very chilly night and Storm is staring outside the window of the inn because he is not allowed to go outside.

He is thinking about a certain pinky and blondie and the feeling he got when that pinky hugged the blondie.

Because of this and his worries for his mom made it hard for him to fall asleep and his biological father is having the same experience except he only stayed up because he got a nightmare involving a certain blunette.

Like father like son...

Anyway Gray went down from his room and saw Storm who was in very deep thought and even though he doesn't want any thing to do with the boy he still see himself walking towards him and sitting beside him.

"What's the problem kid?"

Storm didn't look away from the window still deep in thought and just answered mindlessly.

"Nothing... And don't call Storm a kid because he is not"

Gray flinched because of the familiar way of talking and stared at Storm.

"What did you just say?"

Storm sighed and looked towards Gray with annoyed expression that kinda reminds Gray of himself.

"Storm said that-!"

He suddenly threw his hand at his mouth and started stuttering.

"Storm- I-I mean... I uh... Wha-what are y-you doing h-here Gray-san?"

Gray just looked at him and then looked at his front and sighed.

"I'm here because apparently I am you're babysitter and I am asking you what is your problem."

The two just stared at each other for a few minutes and then Storm sighed and looked at the window again.

"You don't need to know Gray-san and please do something about your clothes"

Gray looked at Storm confused and then looked down and saw he stripped again.

"Ah shit... Tsk... Doesn't matter anyway why can't you tell me?"

Storm just shrugged and just continued staring outside.

"Fine don't tell me but you know sooner or later you need to tell somebody about that problem of yours because it's better telling someone your own problem than keeping it to yourself"

Now Gray wasn't really the one to give advice to someone but he can't help it he just feels some connection with the kid.

Gray stood up and started to walk away but before that Storm called him.

"Gray-san wait!"

Gray looked at Storm who is twiddling with his thumbs quite nervously.

"Hmmm... What gonna tell me your problems now?"

Gray sat down beside Storm and looked at him expectantly.

"Well it's just that... It's-it's about... It's about my mom... I'm worried for her and well Mavis-san and Zeref-san still wasn't able to find them"

Gray looked away from Storm and remembered his own mom and former teacher.

Gray lost two moms and even though some might say that he is a cold hearted jerk, he is not that cold hearted to wish it to someone else.

"Don't worry too much Zeref and first mater are very capable wizards and besides team Grimour Heart are very experienced with dark guilds and Levy along with the others are also doing their best"

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