3; blast to the past

22 0 0

Your perspective

I walk into school the next morning feeling refreshed and awake. Must be because I went to sleep early last night.

Jin sees me and his eyes widen. "Woah." He says in awe.

"What?" I ask, looking up at my friend.

"You're positively glowing. You look so awake!" He says still staring at me.

"I went to sleep early last night. Taehyung was bothering me on Snapchat and it was the only way out."

Jin's eyebrows twist. "Damn, he really likes you."

I shake my head, chuckling lightly. "No he doesn't. He's just found a new toy to play with."

Jin raises his eyebrow. "Was that a euphemism?"

I hit his arm in response and he gave me his signature windshield wiper laugh.

Jungkook joins the group.

"Oh Kookie, mom asked me last night if you were hot." I tell him. Jungkook's eyes widen.

"What did you say?" He asks, genuinely curious.

"I said no, duh. Why would I say my best friend is hot?"

"Because I am." He says, his voice dripping with ego.

"Yeah Yeah whatever" I say shaking my head and rolling my eyes.

We approach the classroom but I get pulled swiftly away from the boys.

A strong pair of hands yanks me down the hall to a janitors closet by my shoulders and I can't move my upper body. There's only one person I know who has strong arms like this.

"Yoongi, what the fuck?" I exclaim as he lets go of my shoulders and I roll them.

"Be quiet, bunny." He tells me. I blush at his old pet name for me. I haven't heard that in months. "Taehyung can't know I'm with you."

"What? Why?" I ask. Yoongi puts his finger on my lips to hush me.

"He's insanely jealous. He does not like it when someone mentions the fact that we used to date."

I am about to speak when he shushes me again.

"I just need to do this before it's too late and you disappear into Taehyung's grasp, so you don't forget what we had." He kisses me.

I kiss back, remembering every good moment we had. I had only ever remembered the fights and the many bad reasons I ended the relationship. However I realize in this kiss that the pros outweigh the cons.

Yoongi pulls away and I sigh at the loss of contact.

He retreats and calls out "don't forget, (y/n)!"

I still stand in place, dazed, and I lift my fingers to touch my tingling lips. That was certainly a powerful kiss, working very well to get the message across. I don't recognize this new feeling within me, what is it?

But what was Yoongi talking about when he said Taehyung would get jealous? I already know he has jealousy issues, but why should he care about who I kiss, unless...

My thoughts are interrupted when Jungkook and Jin come bounding towards me.

"There you are... what the hell happened?" Jin asks, checking me all over to make sure I'm not hurt.

"I'm okay, Jinnie... all he wanted to do was prove a point." I say, still a little dazed.

"Want to talk about it?" He asks respectively. I shake my head and he nods and drops the subject.

"Come on, class is starting." Jin cocks his head in the direction of the classroom and Jungkook shoots me a worried glance, he hasn't dropped the subject yet but he respects my privacy and doesn't ask about it. I follow Jin to the classroom, Kookie following close behind.

Sitting down in my seat behind Taehyung, I don't speak. I look down and fiddle with the hem of my skirt, trying to look casual. Now I'm less dazed so I realize I do want to talk about it.

"You okay, baby?" I hear Tae ask.

I shake my head in response.

He hesitates before replying. "You want to talk about it?"

I'm about to nod but then I realized Yoongi said not to let Tae know about it. I shake my head.

He nods in response. "Let me know if you need anything."

I look up and see his chocolate brown eyes and I almost cry. His voice is pure and genuine, as if he really cares. Like he really wants me to trust him. However I know he's using me. I'm just a pretty new doll whose hair he can pull and whom he can undress, whom he can make do his bidding, controlling my every move in his large dream house.

I know better.

I laugh a little at the thought of him playing with dolls and he gives me a questioning look.

"What are you laughing at??" He asks, smirking; obviously happy I'm not as upset anymore.

"I was thinking of you playing with dolls." I reply laughing harder.

"You bit-"

He's cut off by the door shutting, cuing the start of class. He shakes his head, turning around to listen.


Tae and I arrange to work on the project after school at his house, and then I get up to leave for lunch period.

Jin and Jungkook join me and I strike up the conversation in the hall.

"I'm ready talk about this morning.." I say quietly.

Jin nods and Jungkook's eyes light up.

"Yoongi kissed me." I say bluntly. Jungkook gasps and Jin simply nods. "And I think he still has feelings for me."

They both gasp at that, and I say that's all. Jin nods, being the mature one and shushing Jungkook for asking too many questions. We go to lunch outdoors but not before I turn my head to see Taehyung disappear behind a corner.

What's he doing?


Again sorry this chapter is a little short. The next chapter will be action-packed if that's any consolation 😜 also I'm very sorry that I forgot to update yesterday. I'll make sure not to forget next week!

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