10; alley

10 1 0

Your perspective

Taehyung pulls me roughly down the street and I want to tear away from his grip but I know that'll make the situation worse. All I can do is try to keep up with his long strides.

Finally he pushes me into an alley and I turn around to face him.

"(Y/n), what the fuck were you doing back there?" He yells. My face contorts into a shocked look.

"What was I doing? I think you'd better be asking Namjoon that!!" I shout back.

"He was hitting on you, and guess what? You flirted back!" He says, voice becoming rough.

"No I did not! If you'd seen the whole-" I'm about to explain the situation when Taehyung grabs me by the front of my shirt.

"I saw enough, (y/n.) How could you do this to me?" He asks, quieter this time. My heart breaks because I see his soft side again. I feel bad for what I did, but then I remember I did nothing wrong. Namjoon's the one in the wrong.

I push Tae off of me and shake my head. "I didn't do anything. Namjoon assaulted me. He-he grabbed my ass and ground his hips into mine." I say, my voice beginning to shake.

"And you did nothing about it." Taehyung adds, the anger back in his eyes.

"You didn't hear, Tae. I was yelling at him to stop but he wouldn't. I knew it was no use to try to get him off of me forcefully; he's stronger than me and I didn't want to get hurt." I explain. Taehyung shakes his head.

"I loved you, (y/n.) But now I see you don't love me anymore. I know you didn't want to come to that party. I know you only came because I implied we'd have sex. I didn't know it at the time. But, now I know better. You didn't want to come for me. I mentioned sex, and you were all slutty and ready for me. You even got your little gay friends to help you look slutty enough for me. But then when we got here you were all 'oh no, what kind of girl do you think I am?' You're a fucking hypocrite." He says, rambling. However his rambling doesn't make the words any less hurtful.

I feel my eyes sting with tears. When one falls down my cheek, Taehyung doesn't fail to mention it.

"Oh, you're gonna cry now? You're more of a little bitch then I thought. Boo hoo, cry baby cry. You gonna go cry to those faggots you call your friends?" Tae makes a pout face and wipes fake tears from his eyes. "Stop being so dramatic, whore!!" He yells suddenly, making me cry harder.

I want to leave, go home. But that's out of the question since I can't move. I'm scared of Taehyung right now and I honestly never thought I'd feel that way. But here I am.

Taehyung goes quiet and just watches me sob. I think maybe he's gone until I feel a harsh yank on my hair. I let out a whine at the sudden pain.

"Stop fucking crying like a baby!" He shouts in my face, specks of spit dotting my forehead. "You know what? You're more than a baby. You're a slut, a whore, a skank, and one more thing.. what was it?" He asks himself, putting one finger to his chin. I let out soft gasps of air as tears still stream down my face. "Oh yeah, a bitch!"

That's the one that helps me decide to run away. It's not the name that affects me, it's the harsh slap across the face that does it.

My face stings and the force of the hit nearly pushes me off my feet. It takes me a second to regain a sufficient amount of consciousness, but when I do, I start running. I don't look back because I know what I'll see.

"Yeah, run, slut! I don't want to see you ever again!" He shouts at me. I keep running, my eyes stinging harshly and tears streaming down my face. All I can register is to keep moving my feet, going in the direction of Jin's house. His parents don't ask questions, and Jin is understanding. Something Tae wasn't.


When I get there, I collapse on the doorstep, my breathing heavy. I slam my hand against the door, making a noise very loud.

The door swings open and Jin is standing there. I look up and he looks horrified.
"Oh my god (y/n) come in." He says, helping me in the door. I struggle to get on my feet but I eventually do. He closes the door behind me and I stumble into his arms.

He catches me and sits down on the stairs. I hug him tightly, sobbing loudly. Jin knows not to ask until I speak, so he stays silent. It's for the better, anyway. I don't want to talk about it.


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