7; assembly

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Taehyung's perspective

(Y/n) and I have been together for 2 weeks and we've decided not to tell anyone yet. It's not like I don't want to tell anyone, we've just decided to keep it between us and our close friends for now. I've only told Yoongi and (y/n's) only told Jimin and her friends Jin and Jungkook.

Now we're sitting in EL, doing nothing. We've already passed in our projects so it's not like we should be doing anything. Besides, we're waiting to be called down to the assembly today.

We don't know what the assembly's about, but we assume it's stupid.

I turn backwards to (y/n) and I see she's looking down at her phone.

I tap her head and it bolts up.

"What?" She asks, turning off her phone and pocketing it.

"Do you know what the assembly's about?" I ask.

"I heard it was about LGBT rights or something." She replies.

"Oh." I mouth silently. Not stupid at all. I've always been a huge supporter of LGBT rights, especially since my best friend Yoongi is part of the community.

"You know anyone in the community?" She asks. I nod. She nods in acknowledgement.

"Me too. Jin's gay, Jimin's gay, Kookie's bi..." She trails off. "Oh, and Yoongi's bi." She adds. I nod. The silence is awkward.

Thankfully it's broken by the PA system ringing in to summon our class to the auditorium.

We get up and assume our non-dating stances. I go with my boys and she goes with Jin and Jungkook.


Your perspective

The auditorium has really been decked out in pride memorabilia. There's pride flags on each wall, and on the stage there's big light-up letters spelling "PRIDE."  I think it's beautiful.

I sit between Jin and Kookie and the assembly begins.

The principal says a few words on how this is supposed to be a mature subject and to not make jokes about it and then he invites the main presenter on stage.

She walks on and everyone's jaw drops. She's completely wearing rainbow clothing.

Rainbow socks, rainbow skirt, tank top, everything.

She talks about how lgbt people have been discriminated against for pretty well all of history. They were one of the minorities targeted in the holocaust, and how they just can't get a break.

She comments on how lgbt persons were often sent to church or camps to be "reverted" to heterosexuality and "cleansed." People have never been 100% accepting of the lgbt community and it's clear to see that it bothers the speaker. Then she says that in today's society, we see a lot more acceptance and the hope for a brighter future filled with rainbows.

Soon the speech ends and she concludes by saying that there's probably lots of lgbt individuals in this school, and she invites those people to raise their hands if they want to.

Several people raise their hands, including Jin and Jungkook. I see Jimin and Yoongi hesitate but end up not putting their hands up.

The speaker says that the mic will now be open for anything anyone has to say. No filter, and swearing is allowed.

Then I smile because I see Yoongi take hold of Jimin's hand to get in line for the mic.

A few people say things about their gay friends, family members, etc. When it comes to Yoongi and Jimin's turn, I see they're both very nervous.

I cheer them on and my friends help. We see Yoongi smile and we pipe down. He takes the mic and doesn't even try to let go of Jimin's hand.

"I-I'm Min Yoongi." He starts out, blushing, his stage fright getting to him. "This is Park Jimin." He looks at his boyfriend. "And we're gay as fuck for each other!" He finishes. The audience laughs and claps before Jimin takes the mic from Yoongi.

"I'll have you know that we're both bi, actually." We all laugh again and they exit the stage.

Then two others enter the stage. I recognize both of them. They're Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok. My bright smile immediately turns from a grin to a scowl.

Namjoon takes the mic and holds it as if he was a rapper or something. Nerd.

"Hey y'all. Neither of us are gay," liar. I think. "But we wanted the right opportunity to tell you that we're having a party tonight at my man Hoseok's place." Hoseok takes the mic.

"Gonna be lit guys. Be there, doors open at 9:00!" A lot of people cheer and I roll my eyes. I didn't know Hoseok was one of Namjoon's friends.

The assembly ends shortly after the two boys are escorted off the stage. I get up and we head to the classroom but the end of day bell rings.

I walk with Jin and Kookie but then I get pulled away politely by Taehyung.

"Wanna go to that party?" He asks. My heart skips a beat.

"Who do you think I am?" I ask, laughing a little.

"No, I'm serious. Come on, it'll be fun! Just think, there'll be too many people there to notice us and we can sneak off and, I don't know, do something..." he asks, holding my hand and standing close to me, our foreheads touching.

I let out a heavy sigh before finally making my decision.

"Fine. I'll go. For you." I say. He smiles.

"Thank you so much baby. I love you, can't wait to see how good you look tonight." He kisses my lips and I tell him I love him too and he heads off.

Then I rush towards Jin and Jungkook, smiling like an idiot.

"What's up?" Jungkook asks. Jin is also curious but doesn't ask, not wanting to invade my privacy.

"Tae asked me to go to the party with him tonight!" I say, and Jungkook squeals. Jin rolls his eyes.

"Lovebirds." He says. "Listen, I'm happy for you, but don't get yourself into anything sticky, okay?"

"Ew. Don't worry, I won't." I say, before adding, "but that doesn't matter! We need to go get me ready for a party!!"


The next chapter is going to focus on your relationship with Jin and Jungkook. Hope you're enjoying the story so far!!


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