1; first day

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Your Persepective

It's the first day of school at Burke Transfer Seminary. It's a school literally full of transfer students. Basically a place for kids to be in between transfer schools. For example, if Kid A had to go from school A to school B, but school B couldn't take him right away, kid A would go to a place in the middle, or in our case Burke Transfer Seminary.

Most kids go there for a couple weeks and then get discharged to school B, but there are always the few who stay for a longer time frame. I'm one of those. I know of a few others.

There's my best friend, Jin. He's been around for about a year and we immediately became friends.

Then there's the dance team captain, Jung Hoseok. I don't know much about him, but he's been at Burke for a few months.

The quiet low-key one, Park Jimin, has been here for a month or two. We're ok friends, but I wouldn't say we're best friends. We talk every now and then and we catch up on gossip together.

Jeon Jungkook has been at Burke for a year or two and he's really sweet. He's one of my best friends and I hope he doesn't leave anytime soon.

The "cool" guy, Kim Namjoon, doesn't strike me as someone I'd want to be friends with. He's really smart and he tutors people. He has girls swooning at every angle and faking dumbness so they can get tutored by him. He takes advantage of their feelings and uses them for nudes. I know this because my friend Hayley fell victim to his schemes last year, after he leaked her nudes to the school and he dumped her. Also, I can tell he's gay for Jin. Dude, it's obvious, but I'm not letting anything happen between them, Jin's opinion of Namjoon has been declining every day. Namjoon's been here for 2 years.

Then we have Min Yoongi, who's been here for a little less than a year. He seems all dark and mysterious because he is part of the popular posse, but I dated him before he got popular and he was very sweet and cute. He has a lot of struggles with social appearance so I think that's why he decided to go after popularity.

That brings us to our last long-term student. The boy I despise more than anyone, Kim Taehyung. He's been here as long as I have, we came on the same day. He's the leader of the "bad boys" and he has no shame for anything. Last year he walked into the math exam higher than the Empire State Building. When the teacher asked if he was high, Taehyung said "nah, I'm about 5'10"." The thing is, I've never talked that much to Taehyung so I wouldn't know much about his personality. I just hope he doesn't have a personality like Yoongi's. That would be bad.


I enter the curved doors of Burke Transfer and put on a fake smile. I'm starting my second year of high school and I'd rather be in bed.

I'm wearing a white blouse, a burgundy tie, a red and yellow plaid skirt, knee high white socks, and black shoes. It's the school uniform which I've been wearing every day for the last 3 years.

I give a few people empty greetings and "I missed you"s until I see Jin. We lock eyes and I walk to his side.

"Hey, how was your summer?" I asked him, still wearing my fake smile.

"(Y/n), let's not pretend we're happy to be here. I just want to be in bed again." Jin replies, rolling his eyes. I take off my fake smile and I go to my normal deadpan.

"Allow me to ask again. How was your summer?" I ask in a different tone.

"It was fun, I went sailing with Jungkook. Too bad you couldn't come." I laugh and hold back a 'that's what she said.'

"Well you're not the only one who hung out with Jungkook this summer. We went to the park and we started a book club together."

"Yeah right. I've known you for a long time, (y/n). You haven't read a book in at least 3 years."

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