11; blocked

12 1 0

Your perspective

After I stop sobbing uncontrollably, Jin helps me up the stairs to his room. He sets me down on his bed and whispers.

"I'm gonna go get something to get you cleaned up." He gently speaks, leaving the room. I sigh and I turn to look in his mirror. I gasp at the sight.

My eyes are red and watery, but that's no surprise. My hair is messed up and a little bit of my makeup is smudged. The section of my face that Taehyung hit is bruised and there's a small drop of dried blood on my cheekbone. I start to cry again at the sight. Taehyung did this to me.

Jin returns with a damp cloth and an ice pack. He kneels down to my level and places the cloth on the dried blood, scraping it away. I hiss and recoil slightly. Jin whispers an apology and continues cleaning the small cut.

Once he finishes, he puts a bandaid on it with some antibiotic ointment and tells me to hold the ice pack up to the bruise. I smile when I see how caring he is. He's too good to me.

"Sorry about all this." I say quietly, my gaze swooping down to the floor. Jin shakes his head.

"No problem, don't apologize for something that's not your fault." He hesitates. "It.. isn't your fault, right?" He adds, cautiously. I shrug.

"According to Taehyung, it is my fault." I say bluntly. Jin's eyes widen and he sits next to me on his bed.

"What happened? If you're ready to talk about it, that is." He asks gently.

I take a breath before replying. "Tae and I had a fight." I say. Jin nods, urging me to elaborate. "At the party, Namjoon was hitting on me and I was too scared to forcefully push him off me, and according to Tae, I was flirting back." I explain, trying to avoid the question of where the bruise came from.

"So where did the bruise come from?" Jin asks. My breath hitches and I answer.

"He hit me." I say. "It's safe to say he broke up with me." I say confidently but Jin knows it's false confidence.

He nods and hugs me tightly. I purposely leave out the fact that Taehyung was drunk because that may bring up more questions. I don't want to talk about the past right now.

"Where's my phone?" I ask. Jin turns and picks it off his nightstand.

"If it's any consolation, blocking your exes can help you out." He says, handing me my phone.

I nod and open snapchat. I block Taehyung there and then on text and phone.

"There." I say.

Jin nods. "Good riddance."


I slept over at Jin's house last night since it was too late to go home. Jungkook joins us at my locker in the morning.

"Hey (y/n,) how was the party? Did you and Tae-" he's about to finish his sentence when Jin finishes it for him.

"Break up? Yeah they did." He says, not looking Jungkook in the eye.

Jungkook gasps. "Oh my god (y/n,) are you okay?" He asks, leaning down to my height. I nod. He notices the bruise and bandaid on my cheek.

"What happened here?" Kook asks.

"Tae hit me." I say bluntly.

"Damn." Kook says. He isn't one to take things seriously but it doesn't bother me.

The bell rings and we head to EL.

I sit down in my seat, afraid to see Taehyung. My thoughts are interrupted by Yoongi's voice.

"Man, that party was wild last night." He says to Jimin who looks up lovingly at his boyfriend. I smile at the happy couple and Yoongi notices.

"(Y/n), your man got drunk off his ass." Yoongi says to me. I wince at the sentence.

"He's not my man. At least not anymore." I say. Yoongi and Jimin each raise an eyebrow at my statement. I point at my cheek and their jaws drop.

"Oh." They mouth. They drop the subject. They turn back to their conversation with hushed voices.

I sigh and the second bell rings. My eyebrow raises. All the assholes are here, but not Taehyung. Where the fuck is he?

I shake the thoughts out of my mind, reminding myself that I shouldn't care. But I do. I don't like caring. I look around a little frantically, hoping that he comes in through the door.

But there's no shadow darkening the doorframe.

I lean over to talk to Yoongi.

"Where's Taehyung?" I whisper. He hesitates.

"I don't know. He's normally here if the rest of us are." Yoongi replies.

I feel my heart sink again. I sigh and lean back. There's nothing I can do. I can't text him because I blocked him, and unblocking him would just be hypocritical.

But I need to know where the fuck he is, so at least I can know if that son of a bitch is okay.


The next chapter is going to be the last chapter!!! I really hope you've enjoyed this story and thanks for reading!!

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