9; party

12 1 0

Taehyung's perspective

The party started half an hour ago. I'm here with (y/n) and Yoongi. Yoongi was going to bring Jimin but decided it was best not to.

(Y/n) looks beautiful tonight. She said Jin and Jungkook helped her get ready, they have good taste. I can't help but keep staring at her.

But I'd be lying if I said I wish she'd not have worn short shorts. Every guy in the place is staring at her, catcalling. I can't try to protect her because no one knows we're dating yet. All I can do is try and take her away from the other guys.

We push through the crowd of people dancing, and get to the kitchen.

"Want a drink, babe?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"I need to stay sober for the drive home. But I'll take a cola." She says. I nod and get her a cola from the fridge. She takes it and I grab a beer.

"Baby, I'm gonna get a little drunk and then we can get out of here, ok?" I tell her, snapping open my bottle. She cracks open her cola and nods slowly.

"Tae, I hope you realize I don't want to have sex tonight." She says. I choke a little on my drink.

"Oh, yeah, I knew that! I just wanted to get out of here because I want to spend some more time with you." I say. She nods.

"Okay. Thank you baby." She says. "I love you." She comes closer to me and nestles her head on my chest. I put my free hand on her head and kiss her hair.

"I love you too baby." I say.

Our moment is interrupted by Hoseok shouting an announcement from the dining room.

"Everyone listen!!" He shouts in a microphone, making us all hiss from the feedback. "Yoongi and I are hosting drinking games in the kitchen, come down if you want to get wasted!!!" He gets down from the dining room table and several people start piling into the kitchen, Yoongi included.

I let go from the hug with (y/n) and put my hand on her shoulder. "I'm gonna go with them ok? You take care of yourself. Have fun!" I say. She nods and then she's on her way. I head towards the kitchen table to reach my goal of getting drunk.


Your perspective

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to have a little fun with Taehyung tonight. I'm just not sure if I want to lose my virginity yet.

Like, he's really attractive, and I know for sure that I love him. I trust him and I'd be happy to have him be my first. I just don't know if I'm ready.

When Taehyung goes off into the kitchen to participate in drinking games, I can't help but notice my heart sinking. I came here to spend time with Tae but he's gone to get drunk off his ass. I don't care that he said he was just going to get a little tipsy, I know that's bullshit.

Since Jin and Jungkook and Jimin aren't here, I have no one to share my worries with. I fit myself into a corner with my cola and try to think away my doubts about my relationship with Taehyung.

I take a sip of my drink, letting my mind slip away into nothingness. I close my eyes and I hear nothing but the resounding booms of the music's beat, and maybe a few voices mixed in. When I open my eyes, I jump. It's my old friend Hayley.

"Hey!" I say, smiling. "I thought you changed schools."

"Yeah I did. But someone I'm still in touch with from Burke let me know there'd be a party tonight so I decided to drop by in case you were there." She explains.

I roll my eyes. "Since when do you know me to go to parties?" I ask.

"I don't know." She laughs. "Why are you here now, then?" Hayley asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm here with my boyfriend." I sigh. "He wanted to go so I came along." My mind sinks again as I remember that I'm probably not going to get anything out of this party.

"Ooh, you got a man?" She asks, ignoring my dejected tone. I nod.

"Kim Taehyung." I say.

Hayley hesitates. "Oh, him?" She asks. I put my finger up to shush her before she says anything she may regret.

"Okay, I guess I'm happy for you. Can't say I like him though." She replies. I nod slowly. I can't help but agree with her right now.

"I've been having doubts." I say quietly. She's intrigued. "He's gone to get drunk but all I wanted was to hang out with him. I don't want to be here." Hayley nods and hugs me.

"I should be going, but good luck with Tae." She says. I nod and she heads off. Then I return to my thoughts.

I'm so deep in my mind that I don't notice someone walking up behind me. I yelp when I feel someone's hand make contact with my ass.

"Babe!" I shout, expecting it to be Tae when I turn around. Instead when the person comes into my line of view, I'm met with a different face.

Namjoon shushes me and puts his finger on my lips. I try to object but he speaks over me.

"I could be your babe if you want..." he says, grabbing my hips with a death-grip and pushing them into his.

"Stop it, you pervert!" I yelp. No one hears me since the music is so loud. My hands struggle to get rid of the man's grip that is starting to hurt.

"Tsk, tsk. Name calling will get you nowhere." Namjoon whispers in my ear. "But you can call me da-"

He was cut off by someone pulling him off of me. "The fuck, man?" He asks. The person punches him and Namjoon leaves, a scared look in his eyes. He'd been caught, and it wasn't pleasing to him.

"Tae! Why did you hurt him??" I ask Taehyung.

"He was bothering you." Tae says. I see his eyes are burning, although they're hazy and glazed over. He's drunk.

"But-" I'm about to speak but Taehyung grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the door.

"We're leaving." He says. I can do nothing except follow.


Yo so the next chapter is gonna be the climax of the story and I'm scared to publish it bc y'all will hate me for it 😂 anyways I think I may make a book just about how I feel abt Jungkook bc lately I've been feeling lots of soft emotions for him. What would y'all think o that??

Also Euphoria made me lose it I still think about it daily, it was uploaded nearly a week ago but STILL it makes me fEEL tHiNGs

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reading!

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