4; parking lot

17 1 0

Your perspective

I see Taehyung disappear around the corner, wondering if he was listening in on my conversation.

I hope he wasn't, I don't want him to hurt Yoongi for a silly reason.

Jin must have noticed that my face was knotted in concern so he voiced his own. "You good, (y/n?)" he asks.

"I think Taehyung will be jealous, I can't explain why." I say, still looking at where Tae was earlier.

"Doesn't he have jealousy issues?" Jungkook asks, referencing rumours he has heard.

"Damn right he does." I say, taking out my phone and showing the boys mine and Tae's snapchat conversation last night.

"Fuck." Jungkook says. Jin glares at him with a steely mother's gaze.

"Language!!" He says, obviously annoyed.

"Sorry." Jungkook replies, looking down.

"I don't want Yoongi getting hurt." I say quietly. Yoongi was one of the best people I've ever known, that is before he became friends with Taehyung. He doesn't deserve to be hurt because of his feelings for me. In that case, I'd feel responsible.

"Then let's find Taehyung and sort things out." Jin says, forever the voice of reason.

I nod and we head out to the parking lot.

That's when I see Taehyung, his back is facing me and in front of him is Yoongi.

I shout "no" but they don't hear me. I'm about to run and intercept but Jin's arms keep me held back.

"What are you doing, Jin?" I yell. Jin holds me back, not speaking.

I see Taehyung approach Yoongi slowly and casually.

But then the tone changes.

"You kissed her." Tae says, fiddling with something in his pocket.

Yoongi doesn't say anything, but he glances up at me, still struggling against Jin's strong grip.

"You son of a bitch." Tae says, running at Yoongi and landing a powerful hit.

I see Yoongi fall the the ground, a bright red mark in his forehead. Jin accidentally lets me go in shock, and I run to Yoongi. However Jungkook is on it and he holds me back again. I start to cry and scream.

Tae kneels down to continue his punches, hitting a few more times.

Then he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a red and black pocketknife.

I scream louder and escape from Jungkook's grip, running and grabbing Tae with my whole body, my hand holding the wrist which holds the knife.

I rip the knife out of his hand and throw it far to the left. Glancing at Jin and Jungkook, they get the message and they take my place in holding down Tae.

I rush to Yoongi's side and I see he's bleeding on his lips as well as his forehead. He's slightly dazed and he sits up before falling into my arms.

I hug him, making sure he's okay before calling out to Jungkook. Jin still holds down Tae while Jungkook comes over.

"Get Yoongi to the nurse, I need to speak with Taehyung." I say. "Also get rid of that knife."

Jungkook nods and helps Yoongi up, bringing him back inside the school. I nod at Jin and he gets off Taehyung.

"I'll be right over here just in case." He says walking over to the garbage can, disposing of the pocketknife.

Tae knows what to do, not moving until I direct him to. I crouch down and look at him. He looks back at my expression and he seems to shrink, looking back down at the pavement.

"You dick." I say with a disgusted tone.

He doesn't reply.

"Why are you like this?" I ask, not expecting an answer.

"You wouldn't understand." He says quietly.

"You can get up now." I say after a slight pause.

He gets up and stands up with me.

"I'm sorry, I get jealous easily when it comes to you." He says, still very quiet. He's never like this, what's happening?

"But why? What makes me so special?" I ask, getting a little frustrated.

He laughs lightly. "It's so clear, but you are so damn oblivious." He's looking down, but I can tell he's blushing.

Could this be what I've been thinking in the back of my head from the beginning?

I look around and I don't see anyone within hearing distance except Jin, but his headphones are in.

"Go ahead." I say, putting my hands on his shoulders.

He begins to shake a little and breathe heavily.

He's crying.

"Hey, it's okay." I say, hugging him. I never thought he could be this sensitive.

"(Y/n)," he says quietly.

"Tae," I say a little teasingly, trying to lighten the mood.

"I-I think I-" he stutters to complete the sentence but just as he's about to finish, the bell rings.

"Listen Tae, I have to get to class because my next period is on the other side of the school, but can we finish this at your house later?" I say, feeling bad that I cut him off, but that's life.

"Uh, yeah..." he says looking down again, wiping he tears from his eyes. I nod and head out. Jin follows close behind.

Jin asks what happened and I shake my head. It's a private thing, I can tell. Jin nods in respect goes to his class.

I can't wait for after school.
sorry for being several hours late on updating, i forgot this morning. alsoooo hehe i hope you enjoyed this chapter. there's a nice popular ship coming up in the book next chapter so stay excited for that

Hahahah I'm so mean i cut tae off lol

Love you 💖💖😘

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