10. Gringotts Bank

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  • Dedicated to All Potterheads

‘Thanks so much Dad!’ exclaimed Albus in genuine delight as a pile of new books cascaded into Albus’ chestnut brown satchel. He ran his finger over each one slowly, admiring the thick spines and weathered covers. Harry picked the last book up (which seemed the newest design) grinning mischievously. “‘Fighting the Dark arts’ by… let’s see now…. Ooh – Me!” Harry laughed. He held the book up to his face where an 18 year old version of himself was printed, his face covered in grime, dirt and blood; an urgent, warning look behind his cracked glasses, before dropping into Albus’ satchel with the others. Lily squealed with delight and even James looked impressed, if not slightly amused to think what his father may have written inside.

Scorpius rolled his eyes, unseen but couldn’t help smiling, he made a mental note to purchase this book. If his father found the book though... he would ground Scorpius for months!

“Right” declared Harry, suddenly business-like again, “off to Gringotts now before we meet the cousins.” Albus adjusted his bulging satchel and hopped off the stool. They left the shop with a wave of thanks to Madame Montiere and began walking up the street. Albus was mystified. “Why are we going to Gringotts, it's a wizarding bank isn't it? Aren’t you going to give me any money to spend?” Harry sighed. “On school things, of course” he replied “but we are meeting the Weasleys at Uncle George’s shop and, to be honest, I just don't have the money to pay for all the rubbish your likely to buy. Let you spend your own money, just limit the tricks to your mother's expense."

Albus’ eyes lit up with excitement, he had forgotten all about the Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, but from what he had heard from James it was just about the best shop in the whole Wizarding World! He was longing to visit. As they walked down the twisted road, Albus glanced up and saw that they were nearing a huge building at the very end of Diagon Alley. In front was a large flight of white stairs, in front of which stood two incredibly short and masked security guards. "Goblins" Harry hissed. "Gob- what!?" spluttered Albus, but was shushed by Harry's warning finger. They ascended quickly, until they reached a huge metal door with an impressively sculptured and carved silver doorknob. It loomed up menacingly in front of them, easily four times the hight of Albus! One of the guards, now identified as GOBLINS, bowed respectfully to Harry and turned around to opened the huge doors. They stepped inside

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