8. Father and Son

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His white blonde hair glistened in the light, and Albus took in his pale complexion; long, straight nose and pale green eyes, His son, roughly the same age as Albus, was an almost identical copy of his father - good looking with pale hair and rosy cheeks. He looked must friendlier than his father though, his eyes sparkled and his face was less pinched and weary.

Albus stared at him uncertainly, unaware of his father and the pale man locked in a silent battle of the eyes. They stared at each other, repulsed, with the upmost disgust until the man swept out of the shop without saying a word and a final glance of loathing at Harry.

All three Potter children stared as if glued to the spot, in horror at the man's shocking behaviour until an exasperated voice cut the silence like a knife. "I see you've met my father then..." sighed the slim boy sitting on the stool before them. "I'm Scorpius, Scorpius Malfoy."

As he reached out his hand, Albus jumped back like he had been stung. His father had told him all about the Malfoys, a Slytherin family who had sided with Voldemort, too cowardly to leave his side and how Draco Malfoy had made his life a living hell at school. No wonder he had stormed out.

"Scorpius..." the name rolled off his tongue like poison. It indicated danger, warning... but this boy didn't look so bad. In fact, he was smiling in such a way which made him appear almost friendly- for a Malfoy.

"We'll be back to collect you in 20 minutes! said Harry rather too brightly in the awkward silence that had fallen like a blanket, as Albus shuffled nervously onto the stool next to Scorpius and managed a shaky grin. "Make sure you get your robes properly fitted. James, Lily and I are going to buy James some school books, and we'll pick yours up while we're there." Albus gulped and shot a worried look at his father, but Harry was already out of the door. Albus heard the bell tinkle softly and he was left alone with the mysterious Scorpius Malfoy!

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