11. Into the tunnels

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Inside the grand metal doors was a vast, long marble room with a corridor running straight down it. The floors were wooden and polished, and on either side of the room stood two desks stretching as far as Lily could see. But what shocked her was another sight. More Goblins! On either side of the vast tables around 50 goblins sat at on high stools, scribbling hurriedly on parchment, examining coins and all the while staring at Lily with those huge, piercing eyes of theirs. Goblins! They were absolutely terrifying. Cunning and vain looking, with creased skin in a slightly pink tinge and very long fingers and feet. Lily felt faint as he struggled to keep calm, these were actual, magical creatures… the first he had ever seen!

Lily shook beside him as she quivered under the gaze of a particularly nasty looking goblin. Her legs were jelly as they walked up the parting in the middle- right up to the end of the vast room- and towards a frail but kindly looking goblin who Harry seemed to be veering purposefully towards. It's lips turned up forcedly into a sort of welcoming smile. Maybe it was normal for goblins to be so hostile... this one certainly was emitting some sort of invisible protective shield, looking ready to snap at the slightest touch.

  ‘Ah, Mr Potter once again, another youngster this year?’ Harry nodded and smiled sadly ‘good to see you again Griphook.' He was looking Griphook right in the eye. The cunning, glinting green eye of the Goblin. She gulped and stammered ‘Dad? Who-’. Her voice was shaking but she didn't finish. Harry cut her off, and answered as if knowing the rest of the sentence to come. ‘It doesn’t matter how I know this person Lily…’ he replied calmly. Griphook was looking tense. Lily fell silent and bit her lip nervously. The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Griphook squinted his eyes at her brother Albus and nodded quickly ‘he must be the second one then, I presume this is Mr Albus Potter.' His self-assurity led him to continue without a response or confirmation, and he beckoned the Potters. 'Follow after me; I will lead you to your bank.’ He held out a grubby hand as if expecting some payment, but instead of coins Harry placed into it a single golden key. Lily began to whimper at the thought of descending into the dark underground with this unknown goblin.

‘James, take Lily outside whilst we go to get Albus’ gold will you?’ Harry hissed, noticing the tears brimming in young Lily's almond eyes. He was well aware of her fear of the dark. James sighed and pulled the relieved Lily back towards the towering doors, leaving just Albus and Harry to follow the goblin. Griphook led them into a narrow passage lit with flaming torches, which seemed to wind on forever. Several times Albus almost walked into a wall at badly lit areas, but kept walking until he reached a large and worn cart came rattling towards them on the sloping railways. Albus gulped, and then sat down beside his father in the cart. ‘Do try not to be sick…’ smirked Griphook nastily and Albus’ stomach lurched as the cart suddenly sped off with a jolt.

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