CHAPTER 16: Loyalty

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Tell me your secret.


A horde of female college students stood by the main exit gate of Fuyu University that Tuesday afternoon. Each of them had a look of anticipation and excitement drawn all over their faces. They would once in a while stare to nothingness with a pink tint on their cheeks, and then burst in a girlish giggle seconds later as if drowning in their self-made streams of fantasies. They would look towards the tall structure behind the tall gate, patiently waiting for their 'object of affection' to appear.

And when he stepped out of the door, their long wait finally came to an end.



They immediately took out their presents from their bags, ranging from cuddly bears to home-baked brownies and cookies. Some brought out music CDs wrapped in scented paper, a love note legibly written on the postcard that went along with it. Almost fanatically, they waved ribbons and balloon to the air.





Kim Yoon Jae coolly strutted out of the university grounds, his awe-stricken schoolmates both male and female tailing behind him. He looked as if he were a king in the middle of a parade. One of his hands was tucked inside his pocket, the other holding his bag over his shoulder. His school coat was unbuttoned, his tie partially loosened in a sleek fashion. He whistled to the tune of the hip-hop song playing on an MP3 player lent to him by one of her female classmates.

He stopped midway as the crowd of girls approached him, holding their gifts towards him.

"Yoon-kun, I baked cookies for you! Please, have some!"

"Yoon-kun, here's an autographed CD of Tomo! I heard you're a fan of his!"

"Yoon-kun, I sketched your portrait! Take it please!"

"Yoon-kun, I wrote a song for you! I even recorded it in this CD! Please listen to it!"

"Yoon-kun, this is my great grandmother's ring handed over to my grandmother and then to my mother and then to me! She told me to give it to the man I would like to marry! Please take this ring and marry me, Yoon-kunnnn!"

"Yoon-kun, this is a picture of you and me! I learned Adobe Photoshop just to come up with this!"

"Yoon-kun, I'm pregnant and I'm carrying our child!"

"Yoon-kun, you're my ideal man!"

"Yoon-kun, saranghae (I love you)!"

Kim Yoon Jae is the most popular guy in school!

He is an exchange student from Korea!

He has an IQ of 180!

He's even the captain of the soccer team!

He also works as the senior bartender in the Decks!


Yoon had been very much acquainted to this kind of welcome since the time he arrived in Japan and enrolled in a local university. And so, with a snap of his hand, the guy standing next to him immediately knew what to do. He took out a big empty sack from his bag and opened it.

With a flirtatious smile, Yoon winked at the girls and bowed politely, saying in Japanese –

"Arigatou gozaimasu."

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