CHAPTER 23: Days with Yamazaki Kosuke

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I would come running to you.


"I take it back!"

"Nah-uh," Kosuke snatched the document away from my reach. "You just signed my application. I can file a case against you if you don't abide with our contract. And besides, you can't just fire me now. Our little game has not even started. Are you already surrendering?"

"No, I'm not... but..."

He flashed a mischievous grin, "It would surely be a pleasure working with you, Lady Nu Huang, or should I say, Yoshida Ayane. See you tomorrow, then."

As he bent down to collect his bag, he looked up towards me and winked playfully -

"So, where's my room?"


Today is the start of my days with Yamazaki Kosuke.

This time, I'm ready.

And this time, I swear to not let him make a fool out of me.

That morning, I strutted out of my room wearing a classy white corporate suit paired with white five-inch heels. It took about two hours to have my hair done into a neat bun, another half hour for my nails to be trimmed and painted with French tips, and a minute to re-touch with my pink lipstick. I walked past the corridors with my chin held up proudly. My employees stopped on their tracks, bowing politely, greeting me as I crossed their paths.

I had a grin on my lips as I looked at the clock, which read 9:30am.

The good-for-nothing has been waiting for 2 hours.

Yamazaki Kosuke hates waiting.

He must be fuming mad right now.

One of my men opened the door for me as I finally reached my office. I walked inside and saw him standing by the foggy glass wall, watching snowflakes falling down from the sky to the busy streets below. He had a black frock coat on, which fitted him as if he were a clothing shop mannequin.

"Good morning, Lady Nu Huang!" he greeted me enthusiastically.

Was that a smile on his face?

Instead of receiving a nagging remark for my intentional tardiness, Kosuke merely welcomed me with a sincere smile. He walked towards me, holding the thick file I gave him the previous night for review and handed a separate green folder along with it.

"What is this?" I asked, receiving the green item from him.

"My report," he answered me, his eyes directed towards mine. "I reviewed the files like you asked me to, found a few flaws, and noted possible measures to correct them. They're mostly regarding the provisions on finance allocations."

Out of curiosity, I scanned through the folder he gave me. It was a ten-page report, a per-topic in-depth analysis of the files I assigned to him only last night. The truth was, these company reports had already been reviewed by my previous lawyer one month ago. It took Attorney Kazuhiko two weeks to come up with the final account. But as I read through the contents of the report Kosuke submitted to me, I could not help but wonder how someone like him could possibly come up with something so impressive. He pointed out factors and errors that we have missed and came up with suggestions for improvement, backing up each premise with supporting evidence.

"If there's something you do not like, I can revise it if you want," he said.

"What time did you arrive here?" I asked him, not looking up.

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